Meet the McKrupniks

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~I'm skipping "sub sinker" mostly because in my opinion it's a boring episode~

Kim, Jerry, Jack and I were hanging out in the dojo waiting for Rudy and Milton so practice to start. I honestly I don't why we call it practice when it's more of we practice moves whenever we feel like it. "I can't believe I'm spending my vacation at the Animal Park sitting behind an elephant waiting for him to pass the Zoo Director's cellphone," Jerry complained. "Gross," I said. "It could be worse," Jack added. "Oh, it is. I have to call him when I find it," Jerry ended. I actually gagged, "Milton's so lucky. he gets to go to Scotland with his parents," Kim said. "Oh, no, he's not going anymore. His dad some work thing come up," Jack added.

Then we heard bagpipes, "Who just decides they just want play bagpipes?" I asked. Rudy and Milton walked into the dojo, Rudy was holding bagpipes "Takes people years to learn how to play one of these things," Rudy said then turn around showing a portable radio playing bagpipes. "What's with the vacuum cleaner?" Jerry asked. I whacked Jerry upside the head "They're bagpipes you idiot," i said. "The traditional instrument of my mother country Scotland," Milton said in a scottish accent. "I thought you weren't going?" I asked. "I wasn't but the first class tickets were non-refundable. So i convinced my parents to let me turn them into...five coach tickets," Milton said. "We're going to Scotland!" We all exclaimed. Jack grabbed the bagpipes from the mats where Rudy set them down "Oh, I've always wanted to learn how to play the bagpipes,". 

"We're staying with my grandfather at our family castle," Milton explained. "Like a whole ass castle?" I asked. "Yeah, and we can even wear kilts," Milton added. "What's a kilt?" Jerry asked. "It's like a skirt for men," Milton said. "I'm in," Jerry deadpanned. I turned back to my boyfriends how was blowing up the bagpipes "Hey, babe, I think you're blowing too much air into that," I stated. "No, I'm trying to build up the pressure. It's all clogged," Jack said and continued to blow air into the instrument. To which it then literally blew up "Sorry," Jack mumbled. 

~Time Skip~

After a long trip over to Scotland we arrived at the castle "Thank you for picking us up from the airport, grandpa McKrupnik," Kim said. "We could of taken a cab," I added. "No! Then we would have missed the eight-hour ride in the manure wagon," Rudy complained. "You're here at an exciting time! Tonight we have the banquet, and tomorrow, we start the great games!" Grandpa McKrupnik exclaimed. "What's that smell?" Kim asked. "Grandma's made her famous snouts," Grandpa McKrupnik explained holding up a ball of meat. Jerry leaned over and grabbed the ball and took a bit "Mmm, I'll say it. This is the best snout I've ever had," He said. "So what are the great games?" I asked. "Well, they're a friendly competition between the McKrupniks and the McCrarys. They're the only other clan in the valley. It's to commemorate the end of the feud between our two families," Milton explained. 

"That's amazing," I said.  "Why were you feuding?" Kim asked. "Ooh, never ask that question! We sore to never ever speak about the incident again!" Grandpa McKrupnik said dramatically. "I'm sorry. I won't ever," Kim was cut off "'Twas a foggy night...many generations ago. When the Devil's own Fergus McCrary came on our land...and he stole our only donkey!" Grandpa McKrupnik was one for the dramatics that's for sure. "But 100 years ago, we finally made peace," He added. "I still can't believe we're in a real castle," I was so excited. "The McKrupniks have lived here for over 400 years," Milton said. "And that handmade stained glass window, tells the entire history of the McKrupnik clan. It's easily our most," I didn't here the rest as I saw rudy swinging around a flail and ran over to stop him before he broke something "Would you stop it! You could of broken something very valuable!" I scolded. 

Rudy glared at me like a 4 year old and put the weapon down. I walked back over to the group "I apologize for him," I said. But I spoke to soon as we heard a crash and saw Rudy had destroyed an antique table set with the flail right after I told him to put it down. "Yo, grandpa McMuffler, where's the Loch Ness place where the monster lives?" Jerry asked. I gave Jerry a weird look "Jerry, I've told you it was just a story that was made up to bring in tourist," I said. "Oh, no no! I've seen Nessy with my own eyes. It was on a night just like this. In the lake, behind our castle," Grandpa McKrupnik pointed. Jerry ran off with Rudy in the direction he pointed. "Why did you make up that story? Everyone knows Nessy isn't real," Milton asked. "Well, I had to get rid of them. That Rudy's a wrecking ball! And the other one, he's gonna be tootin' snouts all night," Grandpa McKrupnik explained. 

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