Glove Hurts

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Today was the school's invention fair. Did I want to be I have a Jack dragged me here, why he wanted to be here I have no idea. "Can we go now? Neither of us are a part of the fair," I said. "But Milton is," Jack said. Now I see why we're here, Jack and Jerry are here to try a mooch off of Milton and get in on the prize. I zoned out on the conversation after that, until a guy walked up to the table and honestly this guy looked like a nut case "And this is Milton Krupnik. He's the smartest boy in our class," The teacher said. "Ah, Milton. If you're anything like your father, I'm sure you project will be most impressive," The guy said. Milton acted like a tv school girl talking to her crush. 

Milton demonstrated his project and not surprisingly he won, and because I was standing next to the boys they thought I was on the team and I got to be a part of the prize. A VIP tour of Techtronic Labs, awesome! Which honestly wasn't so bad it was either that or got to the circus with Rudy and Sam. "I honestly don't get why you and Jerry want to go on this tour, we won't understand a thing going on in that place," I said walking to the dojo. "We get to see cool things being built. Doesn't matter if we'll understand them or not," Jack said. "I'd rather just hang out with you, watching a movie or tv or just cuddling," I leaned into him. Apparently the puppy dog eyes were not gonna work this time "And I promise we will after this tour," Jack wrapped his arm around my shoulders. Milton walked out of the dojo as Rudy and Sam left, "Hey guys, Mr. Tanner called me and told me to bring in my Corn Coddlers," Milton said.

"Our Corn Coddlers," Jack and Jerry said. "Guys try not to cause any trouble," I pleaded. "Come on, we're not gonna embarrass Milton," Jerry scoffed. "We know how important this is for you. I'm even gonna put on my new deodorant. It's called de-stank," Jack boasted. Then Jerry wants it and they literally rubbed their arm pits together "Good lord," I facepalmed. Pulling them a part "This is what I meant guys," I stated. Getting to Techtronic Labs felt it took forever "Welcome to Techtronic Labs. This is Hans, an award winning physicist, last year he invented a geothermal earthquake detector that saved thousands of lives," Tanner explained. "Oh, what's he working on now?" I asked. "Rubber snot," Tanner didn't even miss a beat. 

I gave Jack a weird look like 'you're kidding' and he just shrugged. "Oh, finally. Something the world needs," Jerry said. We walked over to a table where a guy was brushing air "We're very excited about this, we've been contracted by a security company to invent an invisible guard dog," Tanner explained. "So the guy's not just brushing air. Like there's a actually dog sitting there?" I asked. "Yes, Dr. Korachi is grooming King, a purebred German Shepherd," Tanner said. Jerry didn't believe him "Can I pet him? Is he fluffy?" I started rambling. "OK! You are quite the dog lover aren't you. Heh, yes he's fluffy, and maybe you can pet him if he likes you. He doesn't like very many people," Tanner was basically challenging me. 

I walked over to Dr. Korachi "Hi," I smiled I slowly put my hand out feeling the dog breathe "Hi, King," I greeted. I felt him boop my hand with his nose sniffing me, "Hi bubba. Aww you're a big ole love bug aren't you," I babied. He licked my hand and I started petting him, "He is fluffy!" I said. "Wow your girlfriend did that faster the his handler," Tanner said. "I have a knack for animals liking me," I smiled. "Yeah. Oh no, sure he is," Jerry said. "Jerry there really is a dog here. And he is just goodest boy ever," I said scratching King's head. I moved away from the dog as Jerry came over and antagonized the dog. "So what happen's when you forget that the dog is there?" I asked. "We are in the making of glasses that will make the dog visible to the wearer," Tanner explained. "Cool,"I said. 

Jack wrapped his arm around my shoulder "Do I have competition with an invisible dog?" He asked. "Nooooo. With all dogs," I joked. "Jack! Jack! He got the kitty cat!" Jerry screamed. "Go get him," I shoved Jack. Jack went over to and got King off of Jerry, King was not very fond of them as he chased Jack and Jerry around the lab till he got a hold of Jerry's foot. "You two are very different from those two," Tanner decreed. "Very, but this is really Milton's seen I'm not one for this kind of stuff," I said motioning to the lab. "I could tell that but you are still more behaved then the other two," Tanner added. "I try," I smiled. "My guess is, when it came to your invention, you did all the work, hmm?" Tanner questioned. 

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