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Jack, Jerry and I walked in as "Kung Fu lightning" played through the dojo speakers. "What the heck!?" Rudy jumped at the loud music. "Kung Fu Lightning. We were listening to their new album," I said. "Well, put my meditation CD back in," Rudy demanded. "Isn't Kung Fu Lightning doing a concert here in seaford?" Eddie asked. "Oh, yes they are. And we're gonna stand in line for as long as it takes to get tickets," Jerry said.

An hour later we were sitting in line to get concert tickets I was standing so Jack took my seat because my legs were falling asleep but now I'm tired of standing. "Dude, I'm a way bigger Kung Fu Lightning fan than both of you. You see this, Izzy Gunner's guitar pick. Bought it online," Jack boasted. After that the line started moving so we moved forward. Jack seemed to notice how I was hopping from foot to foot and pulled me down to his lap and wrapped his arms around my waist. Jerry countered Jack's claim and pulled out a necklace of Izzy Gunner's appendix

"Jerry that fucking disgusting," I almost gagged. A few minutes later we saw Rudy walk by with Tootsie. "Rudy, what are you doing with Tootsie?" I asked. "I'm goat-sitting her for Phil while he's out of town for the week," Rudy explained. Rudy left to go see if he could get a date by walking around with Tootsie. Jack tapped my hip signaling me to get up. "Dude, we've been in this line for, like, hours. I gotta go find a bathroom," Jack said. I was getting hungry so I went with him "I'm getting hungry so I'll go with you," I said. 

Jack and I were walking back I had a bag of chips in my hand "That's it, everyone. This guy's getting the last ticket," The worker said. "Huh?" Jack and I said at the same time. Jerry just couldn't help himself and said these two girls could cut but what they heard was everyone behind Jerry could cut in front of him. "Jerry you idiot!" I smacked him in the head. "Let's go, you," Jack grabbed Jerry by the ear and dragged him away but with his free hand grabbed mine and walked off. Jack and I were hanging out in the dojo brainstorming ideas of how to get tickets, when Jerry came running in with a box "Guys! Guys, guys, guys, guys, guys. We'er git tickets," Jerry said. "What?! Whoa, whoa. You got tickets?" Jack asked. 

"Absolutely. All we have to do is win the radio station contest. They're about to call one lucky winner," Jerry explained still holding the box. "Radio contest? That's like a one in a thousand chances," I pointed. "Yeah," Jack agreed. Jerry then pulled out a small radio from the box, then dumped the box on the floor. "Pretty good, I borrowed all my cousins' phones and submitted the numbers," Jerry smirked. Jerry turned the radio on and we waited. "All right, kids. Set your phones from vibrate to celebrate. We're giving away three Kung Fu Lightning tickets," The announcer said. 

We waited and waited, until one of the phones started to ring. The boys dove for the floor looking for the phone that was ringing. Jerry picked up the phone "Hello?" We heard a hello from the announcer on the radio. "Oh, sorry, can't talk. Looking for a phone," Jerry hung up. "Jerry!?" I yelled. "Oh, looks like they didn't want those tickets. All right, kids-" I turned the radio. "That's it!" I yelled and lunged at Jerry...only to be caught by Jack. "Ok, you calm down. And you." He pointed at Jerry. "We had the tickets," He said. Jack still had a hold of me and none of us seemed to notice. "Oh, I see where this is going. Somehow you're gonna find a way to make this Jerry's fault," Jerry is so brain dead sometimes.

I tried lunging at him again forgetting that Jack had a hold of me. "Ok, ok. You need to chill," He said. Jack picked me up, like my back to his chest he grabbed my waist, kind of picked me up. And sat me down on the bench farthest from Jerry keeping his hands on my shoulders. I crossed my arms and turned to face the opposite way. Ok, so maybe I tend to act like a child from time to time or when I'm frustrated. We all do and if you say you don't, you're a lair. A little while later after everyone calmed down(I was still in a bit of a mood) I stated I was hungry so we went over to Falafel Phil's. The place was packed with people, "Jeez, you guys are really making a go of it," Jack said. "How'd you get all these people in here?" I asked.

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