Skate Rat

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~Minus the hat~

The gang and I plus a shit ton of other kids from school have been skating through the courtyard since the skate park got shut down. Randy did some tricks, and everyone cheered. I don't like Randy since he's always trying keywords there to flirt with Kim and me. Then Milton came out standing on a skateboard with Eddie pushing him at a slow pace. "You're doing great sweety," I gave a thumbs up. Milton's trying to be more outgoing rather than being 100 percent focused on school.

"What a rush! The wind in my hair. The adrenaline-pumping," Milton was excited. "Dude, your skating's a joke," Randy shot him down real quick. Milton is like the younger brother I never had so the fact Randy had the audacity to be a douche to him, he's got another thing comin'. "Randy you better shut the fuck up before you get" Jack cut me off with his hand over my mouth. I glared at him then at Randy. I backed off and watched as Jack showed Randy up.

Jack was doing pretty well...until Joan showed up. "Whoa whoa whoa! Mm-hmm. What do you think you're doing?" She asked. Then took the board out of Jack's hands. We thought she was going to take it away until she ripped off the uniform she was wearing to reveal an 80s outfit. Then showed us all up. "Good thing my boss, Mr. Peters, didn't see that. We call him ratface," She started as her boss walked up behind her.

"Joan I wouldn't" I started but was ignored as she turned to Peters and called him ratface. "Anyone caught skateboarding will be banned from this mall. 'prende?" Joan walked away with her boss. "Fanfuckingtastic," I said as everyone else groaned. "First the skatepark closes, and now we can't skate here," Jack states. A little bit later the gang and I were in the dojo cause apparently we don't have anywhere else to hang out when we don't have practice. Jack was still bitchin' about the skate park until Rudy came out of his office. "Look, we didn't need skateparks when I was a kid. We used to play games like "What's that smell?" or "Whose hair is this?" or "Why is that wet?" Rudy is a different type of I don't know what if you couldn't tell.

Rudy doesn't seem to grasp the fact that skating was just our thing and not having a park to skate at was bumming us out. "When I was in school, the only person who was into it was a kid named Luke Sampson," Rudy explained. Turns out Luke Sampson became a multi-millionaire skateboard mogul. "Guys, he builds skateparks all over the country. Maybe we can get him to build one here?" I suggested. "Yeah. Rudy, since you know him, can you get us a meeting?" Jack asked. Rudy studdered out an answer before going into his office.

We went back to practice until Jerry let one rip and basically gassed the place so we called it a day and ended the practice. Jack and I lived relatively close so we walked home together, we were almost to his house when Rudy texted me "Rudy says Luke could meet with the gang at 12 tomorrow," I put my phone away. "Awesome!" He got that hopefully look in his eyes again. "Wanna hang out here since Rudy isn't back yet?" He asked me.

I would be lying if I said that didn't make my insides flutter like butterflies but I would never admit it out loud. "Sure, I have nothing better to do anyway," We walked into his house and said hello to his mom as we walked past. By accident, I was there until dark and had 20 texts from Rudy when I looked at my phone. "Shit!" I jumped up and grabbed my shoes. "I have to go. I didn't realize how late it got," I rushed towards the front door rushing out thanks to his mother and a bye to Jack as I ran towards the apartment building I lived in.

By noon the next day, we were with Luke walking around his compound while he explained what his company did. Now I'd be lying if I said the place was lame but there was something about how Luke's body language shifted when we brought up our skating dilemma. That gave me a bad feeling. As we walked with Luke explaining the skatepark situation further, I don't think he was listening more just wanted to reminisce with Rudy about high school. Cue eye roll.

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