Witless Protection

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"The babysitter...thought she was safe...but what she didn't know was-" Jerry cut rudy off "Was what?" He asked. "The clown. With the chainsaw...was watching her from-" "From where?" Jerry interrupted again. "From in side the...house!" Rudy exclaimed as Jerry screamed and knocked him off his fake log. We were "camping" in the dojo tonight and Jack, Kim and I did not want to be there. "Ok, that's it, I'm putting an to this fake camp-out," Kim got up from her seat and turned the lights on and the fake fire off. "Aw. Hey! There is nothing fake about our camp-out. Now turn the fire back on," Rudy said. "Rudy, brother whom I love. If you just, flipping apologized to the damn park ranger, maybe he'll let us back into the Seaford Campground!" I said with slight malice.

Rudy looked at me like I head grown two heads "I am not apologizing to anybody," Rudy said like an angry 4 year old. "Rudy, you hit him with your canoe paddle," Kim pointed out, all of us minus Rudy nodded our heads in agreement. "I thought a bear was attacking my boat! If you're that hairy you should not be swimming in public!" Rudy defended. Milton tried to lighten the mood by a campfire songs but one line into a song before Kim grabbed the guitar and threw it behind her. "Well you got further into the song than last year," Jack said. "That's very true," Jerry added. Kim got up stating she was leaving and we all followed having enough of Rudy's fake campout. "No! Whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa! See, you know, I knew you city slickers wouldn't last a day out here in the wild. So I did what and responsible camp counselor would do. Padlocked the door and swallowed the key," Rudy admitted. 

I slapped my hand against my forehead "God give me the strength to not badly injure him," I muttered as Jack hugged me from behind, his chin landing on my shoulder. "Settle in, campers! It's gonna be 3 days before we see that key again!" Rudy exclaimed like it was something to be proud of. "I let you talk me into this because why?" I asked Jack. Originally, we were gonna hang out at his house for the night making a blanket fort because why not and watch movies. "Because we can't always just become hermits whenever you just want to get out of dealing with Rudy's stupid ideas," Jack answered. "Well then it can your fault if I hit somebody if I get annoyed," I snipped. 

Jack didn't say anything back, just placed a few soft kisses on my cheek and temple. "I can live with that," he muttered. While we were in our own little world Kim grabbed our attention as an alarm went off in the courtyard. A group of guys dressed in all back and ski masks cam running out of the Athletic Authority store. "Sweet! Must be their annual ski mask sale," Jerry said. I went to smack him on the head but was stopped. "No no no," Jack said. "Jerry you dummy. They're robbers. They robbed the store," I sighed, my social meter pegged and just wanted to flop into my bed. "Hurry up! Open the door, we gotta stop 'em!" Jack said, ever the heroic person. 

Rudy complied and proceed to gag until more that ten keys surprising came back up as well as a jelly bean...gross. Rudy could find the key in time but one of the robbers had his mask up and saw us. He slowed to a stop by the door and stared at us for a minute before running off to join his group. We called the cops and Rudy finally found the key for the chain around the door; Kim, Jack and I were with a sketch artist and we found out if was Benny the blade was who we saw. I guy the police have been trying to catch for years. The next day we were brought down to the station to identify the person out of a line up.

"We arrested the suspect, now we just need you to identify him," Detective Bronson explained. We were brought into a room with two-way glass "I know how this works. This is two-way glass. Benny can't see us," Milton said. "You know, this is kinda exciting," Jack said. "I know. No one has ever identified this guy because he's so dangerous," Kim agreed. "Not till Rudy J. Gillespie came along. The J stands for "Justice," Rudy pointed to himself "I thought you said it stood for "Jam Master," "Jujitsu," "Jaguar,"  "Jump Master," "Jermaine," we all said. "Alright, it changes with the situation!" Rudy exclaimed. Jerry walked over to were the buttons that control the glass and leaned against them.

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