Jack Stands Alone

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~You pick which outfit~

I was never one for school politics. Until my friends decided to become a part of it and made it fun to be at meetings and such. "I'm proud of my one term as student council president. Why was I not re-elected? Nobody knows," Milton said. "You made the school day longer," Jerry yelled out. "You banned desserts," I added. "You got rid of the faculty pinball machine," Principal Funderburk said. "Nobody knows!" Milton yelled; Clearly Milton didn't think about his decision making while in office. "Please welcome our new student council president, Kim Beulah Crawford. That's right, people. You voted ina Beulah," Milton outed Kim on her middle name. Kim walked up and took Milton's place "Fellow students, there is nothing I will not do for you," Kim stated.

Than Funderburk walked up with his pet turtle Arlo and Kim refused to touch him "It's tradition, Kim. To be sworn in, you have to put your hand on Arlo," Funderburk stated. Kim placed her hand on Arlo "My heart is clean. My mind is fertile. I'm the prez...swear on the turtle," Kim recited to oath. "And now I'd like to bring up a good friend. He's loyal. He's true. And he's dependable. He's my Vice President...Jack Brewer!" Kim announced. Jerry crossed the room to another chair to hide his embarrassment when he thought Kim was gonna say his name. Jack made his way up to the microphone "Thank you. So I was told as Vice President, all I have to do is stand up here and look good. So here you go," Jack swished his hair and pointed fingers at me while winking and clicked his tongue. "Thank you," He said and sat back down beside me placing his arm around my shoulders.

"And now Erica Straffman has put together a special victory performance," Kim handed Erica the microphone. "Thank you, Kim. I think y'all know who I am," Erica was a sickly fake sweet girl. One who I could not stand sometimes. "I'all don't," Milton piped up. "Then I'll tell you. I'm a nationally ranked cheerleader and gymnast. And I'm the head of our dance committee. This is for you, Kim. Isn't she sweet? Get in line, Gina," Erica threatened the girl talking to Jerry. "Girl sounds like she needs a therapist," I mumbled. I could feel Jack's shoulders moving in a silent laugh. The cheer team was in a pyramid Erica doing a major backflip to land at the top. I won't lie it was a little impressive until I saw Frank with Arlo "Gina, look out! Frank's got the turtle!" Kim shouted. 

But it was too late. Arlo had bit Gina on her ankle causing the whole pyramid of girls to come crashing down. Kim got knocked back and fell face first into her own victory cake. "Frank! Why do you always ruin everything!" Funderburk yelled. "Are you ok, hon'?" Funderburk asked. "Yeah, I think so. I just need," Kim was cut off by Funderburk shoving her out of the way and back into her own cake as he picked up the turtle. "Daddy's gonna take care you," Funderburk coddle to turtle. I found a hand towel in the kitchen and handed it to Kim "It's all I could find," I said. "Thanks," She took the towel. 

The next day we were at another council meeting "By presidential decree! From this day forward, any student wearing the mascot suit will be required to wear underpants at all school functions!" Kim banged her gavel and everyone cheered. The mascot shook its head and left the meeting. Erica butting in "Kim, if it's alright with you, I'd like to say something. As head of the dance committee, I suggest that we throw...a fall ball!" Erica cheered. "Picture this.. the entrance to the gym is a sea of icebergs. The doors open and you've just boarded...The Titanic," Erica gasped. "Yeah cause the first sinking wasn't shocking enough," I said. "It's not worth it, Erica. Frank ruins every dance your dance committee puts on,"Milton said. "He's right. Remember the hive of hornets he out in the air vent at the spring formal?" I pointed out. 

"That was a riot! Kids' faces so messed up you couldn't tell the hornet bites from the zits," Funderburk laughed. "How are you a principle again?" I asked. Funderburk just gave me a glare and moved away from me. "Kim, we voted for you, because we thought that you would stand up to people like Frank. Am I right, y'all," Erica said. Everyone agreed with her, "You're right. By presidential decree...We shall get our boogie on," Kim hit play on a portable radio and started...dancing? I can never figure out if she's dancing or having a spaz attack. Jack banged the gavel "Motion to ban the President from ever dancing again?" Jack said. "Second!" "Second!" The rest of the board said. 

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