Kickin' It Old School

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We were at the dojo like any other day but Rudy seemed to be in a cranky mood. "All right guys, your homework was to watch the video of the "soaring crow" kata. Let's see what you got," The guys started to imitate bird noises. I did an actual move from "soaring crow" since I didn't have a choice since my sensei is also my brother and I live with him. "Thank you Thena. Since no one else watched the video," Rudy sighed. "Brother I didn't really have a choice I shoved me on the coach and laid across me till the video was done. Also we're really busy with school," I crossed my arms.

"We'Re ReAlLy BuSy WiTh School," Rudy mocked. "You want to feel pressure? Wait til you're my age. Trust me, no one gives you an award for being an adult," Just Rudy said that a mailman came into the dojo. He handed something to Rudy and left "What's that brother?" I asked. "I don't believe it...I'm getting an award for being an adult!" Rudy exclaimed like a child. "What do you mean?" Jack asked. "Seaford High is inducting me into its Hall of Fame," Rudy looked at us. "Why?" We all questioned.

Rudy started to look like he was going to throw up "Starting to lose it. Someone please read this. Read it with some pizzazz," Milton grabbed the letter. "We are pleased to formally acknowledge your contribution to the youth of Seaford, through your leadership and commitment to physical fitness," "In your face, mother!" Rudy yelled. "And they're giving you a black tie pork chop dinner!" Milton read the bottom. "Black tie? Pork chop? It's all happening so fast," Rudy fell to the floor after that.

We kinda just left after that, leaving my brother on the floor. We went over to Phil's like any other day. Phil walked up to "Hey, guys. I have favor to ask for you. My niece, Mika, she moved here from Hackmakistan. She will be ninth grader in your learning house. And I was wondering if you would make the friendships with her?" Phil asked us. "Of course Phil," I said. The guys also agreed. "Oh, thanks," Phil sighed in relief. "There is something that I need to tell you though. I love her very much, but...she is, how do you say...ugly like a pig," Phil explained.

I will show you. Let me summon the beast," Phil then let out a yell I guess in his tribal language. There was a response that sounded female with the same tribal yell. A guy walked out and the guy yelled in terror. "That is not her. That is my new busboy, Rafael," Phil said. A girl our age walked out and she looked normal. "That is Mika," Phil said. "She is not like the beauties that we have in my country. Poor thing, with her separate eyebrows, hairless nose, and complete...lack of tail," Phil wheeped. I gave him a strange look.

I was the only one at the table questioning the "lack of tail" part. "Mika these are the boys and girl I was telling you about. The ones who do the," Phil did "karate" moves to show her what he meant. "It's nice to meet you Mika. I'm Athena but call me Thena," I introduced myself. "Nice to meet you," She smiled. "What it do, Mika?" Jerry said. Leave it to Jerry to flirt with the girl right off the bat.

"Ok, come. I'm going to teach you how to make sandwich," Phil ordered and walked back into the kitchen. "Ok. Bye-bye, boys and Thena," Mika waved and followed Phil. "Phil's niece is hot!" Jerry exclaimed. I smacked him on the back of the head "Stop it. Stop it right now," I said. Rudy walked in with a little pep in his step. "I just autographed my first baby," Rudy pulled a chair up to the table. We all chuckled thinking he was joking "When his mom gets out of the bathroom, she is going to be so proud!" Rudy continued. "Wait, you actually signed a baby?" I questioned.

We all thought he was joking "Yup, right across the face. Got some more pictures of me for my Hall of Fame induction video," Rudy handed Milton a flash drive. "Rudy, I think we have enough. We went through your high school records, photos, and video clips," I said. "Yeah, we got a great five minutes," Milton added. "Five minutes?" Rudy chuckled. "Oh, no, no, no, no. That's not gonna work. Don't forget, this night is about me and me alone," Rudy boasted. Milton was looking at his computer and started to panic. "Rudy, you have a problem here. According to this, you missed five days of mandatory attendance in ninth grade," Milton explained.

Kickin' It in love (Jack Brewer)Where stories live. Discover now