The Wrath of Athena

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Walking into the dojo I saw Jerry and Eddie with a lizard. "Uh, what are you guys doing?" I asked. "Petting my gassy lizard," Jerry said like it's nothing. "That sounds about right," I nodded. Today was a sparring day and Rudy put me with Milton every time. "All right Thena. It's Wednesday, time to get out spar on," Milton was so excited. Which made this next part kinda hard to do. "Uh, Milton I...We need I don't think we should spar with each other anymore," I said slowly. "Is it something I did?" Milton asked. "No, no, no! Milton, you're great. It''s not you. It's me," I pointed to myself. 

Milton lost that excitement and got sad. But to be honest he was acting like it was a breakup. I just wanted to spar with someone who would challenge me. Milton sulked away as Jack walked in really giddy. "Just down at the arcade. What was I doing there? Only becoming the number one Immortal Slayer player in the world," Jack boasted. "Wow. Spending thousands of hours with nerds in the dark really paid off," I mocked. "Sure did. I won a really cool glow-in-the-dark T-shirt," Jack looked over the mocking. He then looked under his sweatshirt "Oh, man. This thing is awesome," He said. 

"Jack look, I'm tired of sparring with Milton. I'm a black belt and I need to be challenged," I explained.  "Really? I...I don't think that's a great idea," Jack stammered. "Come on, Jack," I grabbed Jack's wrists and pulled him on the mats. "Whoa. Wait, you guys are sparring? Does Milton know about this?" Jerry asked. Milton walked by in a robe with a tub of ice-cream and a big spoon "Yes. Yes, he does," he sobbed and walked away. Rudy came out of his office and saw and immediately started recording. "Finally some sparring between real karate students. Instead of a bunch of confused gazelles blindly flailing around in their pajamas," Rudy said bluntly. 

"And remember, Jack, give me everything you've got," I said. "Thena, are you sure you want to do this?" Jack asked. "Yes," I said as I swung my leg up. And thus our fight began. I got the upper hand and flipped Jack onto his back. I had won "Oh yeah! I won!" I yelled. "She just flipped you like a pancake. I gotta go upload this. It's gonna get more hits than "Fat baby farts" Rudy left back into his office. 

Thing was I didn't see, Jack winked and gave finger guns to Jerry and Eddie. I had gone to get a smoothie when I saw Jerry and Eddie sitting in the courtyard. "Hey guys guess who's the number one black belt in the dojo?" I joked. "Yeah, yeah. You're number one," Jerry's voice went up a pitch. "Ok, why are you lying?" I asked. "What do you mean?" Eddie asked. "When people lie and are bad at hiding it their voice goes up in pitch," I explained. "Jerry what's going on?" I asked again. "Eddie," I looked at him. "Why are you dragging me into this?" Eddie's voice grew pitched. 

I was starting to get frustrated. I grabbed Jerry by the ear and pulled him up out of his seat. "All right, all right, all right. Jack threw the match. He winked at us like this," Jerry clicked his tongue twice. Which is guy talk for "I let her win" Jerry explained. Now I was angry "Where is he?" I asked. "I don't know. Really, Jerry? Really," Jerry's voice went up a pitch again. "I glared at him "He's at the arcade," Jerry sighed. With that I left to go knock the head off a certain shaggy haired idiot. 

As I walked into the arcade there was a big group of people "Thrasher!" They chanted over and over. I saw Joan there too "Athena! Surprised to see you here," Joan said. "You'd better watch your back. This video arcade is where nerds go off," Joan looked around. "They wouldn't dare mess with me with how I feel right now," I was still angry. I tuned Joan out while watch Jack play this stupid game. As the fight ended and Jack had won, he turned around and saw me "Hey, Thena. Did you see that? That's why they call me "Thrasher" Jack pinched his T-shirt and pulled it forward quickly. "Quick question for ya Thrasher," I mocked his movement. "When we sparred this morning did you or did you not let me win?" I asked crossing my arms. "What?" He voice went up a pitch. 

"I fucking knew it!" My voice rose. "I can't believe you didn't have the balls to fight me for real. I want to know why?" My anger was getting the better of me.  "Well, you know...I'm a...And you're..." Jack was stammering. "Wow! You were the last person I thought would think that girls were weak," I scoffed. Fun fact about me, I have anger issues if that wasn't clear and I tended to do irrational things when I was mad. So I punched Jack in the stomach and left. I had to go back to the dojo to blow off the anger that was still there. 

After I had calmed down I decided to be petty and became the new "Immortal" fighter in the arcade game Jack was playing. Instead of "Thrasher" the people were chanting "Skull-Ripper" Which was my character's name. "Congratulations, Skull-Ripper. You are immortal," The game said. I turned around to see Jack, I smiled and clicked my tongue twice while giving finger guns and winked. And now since Jack and I were the top 2 best players of this game the owner of the company, wanted us to go against each other. 

At this point I think Jack knew I was being petty but this is what happens when you tell me that you think guys are stronger than girls. "This is about me letting you win the other day isn't it?" Jack questioned. "Oh totally. I am going to show you what I can do," I crossed my arms. 

The next day at school Jack had stopped me by our lockers "The death match is gonna be shown online. You're gonna embarrass yourself in front of a whole lot of people," Jack's tactic to "scare" me wasn't working. "Jack. Anything you can do. I can do bleeding. So your scare tactics aren't gonna work if that's what you're trying to do," I smirked. "Ok, you know what? You want a real fight with me where I don't hold back? Well, you're gonna get it," Jack threw his hands up. "Good," "Fine," "Fine!" we both yelled at each other. I slammed my locker shut and walked away. 

That afternoon we were back in the arcade with a news caster ready to show the big fight that was about to happen. "Jack, why don't you tell everybody what your strategy is?" the news anchor asked. "I'm going to use my agility and arsenal of counter-attacking spin kicks, to take my opponent down," Jack glared at me. "I'm just gonna rip his skull off and soccer-kick it off the roof," I said nonchalantly. That started an argument between Jack and I. We were pulled apart and taken to different sides of the game. After a minute we were on our mats that were basically the controller. "Welcome to the ultimate death match. Two will enter the death chamber. But only one will survive the violent massacre. Sponsored by Fluffy Cow Fro-Yo," The Anchor guy said. 

"Three, Two, One. Fight!" The game said. And thus began our fight to the death. It felt like forever but I was winning. As I went in to land a flying punch Jack blocked it but seemed to hesitate. Jack's character had absorbed my character's power that was behind my move. Using that power he kicked me and then threw my character into a billboard that exploded causing my character to explode and die. Meaning Jack won but it was ok I knew that he gave his all. I saw the owner and Jack arguing over Jack wining the game "Some things are just more important than a dumb video game," Jack said. "He wanted you to throw the match?" I asked. "Yeah. But,uh. I wasn't gonna make that mistake again," Jack scratched the back of his neck. 

"Well, congratulations. I mean, it's not everyday a girl gets to see her guts splattered into a million pieces," I laughed. "So, you're ok that I beat you?" Jack asked. "You gave me your best shot and that's all I ever wanted," I smiled. "Joan, what are you doing up there?" I asked looking at Joan who was on the game mat. "I'm showing you punks you don't want to mess with the Mall Cop Mauler. You can't handle this," Joan started to swing her arms around and kicking the air. I think, she thought, she was playing the game, not noticing that you have to pay a dollar to play. "You know you have to put a dollar in, right?" Some random guy said. "Oh. Forget that," Joan stood straight and walked away. 

Jack and I issued a rematch. This time we were going to spar for real. "Ok, Jack. Now that we're gonna spar for real, let's see what you got," I took my stance. "All right, but I really don't want to hurt you, ok?" Jack questioned. "Why? I'm ok with hurting you," I smirked. 

We ran at each other both of us doing flying side kicks. Safe to say I won...again. :)

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