My Left Foot

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It was lunchtime and the gang and I were sitting at our table, Jerry and Eddie were the last to arrive "Hello? Have you seen my new scarf? It looks like a snake," Eddie said. "What's that smell?" Kim asked. "It smells like actual food," Jack sniffed the air. "This is the school cafeteria. It's no place for real food dorks," I stated. "It's them," Milton started pointing to the football team. "Here we go. At the start of the football season," Milton ended. 

I didn't mind since I typically brought my own lunch since I knew school lunch looked, smelled, and tasted like rubber. "Look at them, with their prime rib. They think they're so much better than us," Kim complained. "Ooh, I'm gonna go ask that guy if I can eat his fat," Jerry jumped up from his chair. I grabbed his arm and pulled him back down, "Dude, control yourself," I whacked his arm. "You know their quarterback just moved away, and they're holding tryouts to find a replacement," Milton says. 

We all nodded missing what Milton was implying. "Wait a minute!" Jerry started. "I think we all know there's someone sitting right at this table that could replace him," Milton added. Jerry and Eddie began to flex thinking it was them even though they knew it was them Milton was talking about. "You dumbasses know he's talking about Jack, now stop flexing what's not there," I said raising one eyebrow at them. 

"I would love to, but between school and karate...and I just got a turtle. It's a whole thing, the walking it alone takes forever," Jack stalled. "Jack you're the most athletic person we know," Milton pried. The guys tried more to persuade him but Jack wasn't really giving. "Dude, what part of "Got a turtle" don't you understand?" Jack asked. "How about Milton and I go with you to tryouts?" I offered. "It doesn't just work like that, Thena," Jack was basically pleading with us. 

Jack kept trying to get us off the subject until Coach Marmer walked by "Coach Marmer, Jack would like to try out for the team," I said. "Great, Jack, we'll see you tomorrow at 3:30 then," Coach said and walked off. 

~~Time Skip~~

I was standing in the dojo with Milton who was dressed up as who I think is Coach Marmer. "Milton why couldn't I have just met you guys at school?" I asked. Milton just rolled his eyes at me when Jack walked in dressed in the full football uniform. I tried to hide my laugh "Shut it Thena. Milton, I'm just going down for a tryout, do you I have to wear this?" Jack asked. Milton blew a whistle and threw a yellow flag. "Five yards for a bad attitude, fella," Milton tried to sound "macho"

I chuckled at that. "Milton, aren't you going a little overboard?" I asked. Rudy walked in after that, "Sweet Moses, is it Halloween already? I gotta put out the raisins," Rudy rushed off. "Rudy, it's not Halloween. It's not even autumn it's like the middle of spring," I looked at him like he was dumb. "Jack's trying out for the football team," Milton looked like a proud dad, which was weird. 

Rudy went on to tell about how he "played" football back in his day, but I had heard that story so much I tuned it out. "Milton there's something you two should know. I can't throw a football," Jack confessed. "Can't or won't?" "Can't" "Can't or don't" "Can't" Can't or shan't" "I can't throw a football, Milton!" Jack yelled. "Come on, let's go before you're late," I grabbed Jack's arm. 

I know I said I would be here to help him but I was so bored I wanted to leave and Jack really couldn't throw a football. "Jack your holding is a little off. Here hold it like this," I said adjusting his grip. I used to play 2 hand touch with some friends back at my old school since we could play tackle cause "It's dangerous," or so we were told.  

Sadly Jack got passed up and Marmer chose Mike Reynolds. Milton got upset and kick a 50-yard field goal "Milton! You just kicked a 50-yard field goal! Do you know how hard that is to do?" I asked. "What's your named nerd?" Marmer asked. "Milton Krupnick," Milton puffed his chest out. "Krupnick, you're our new kicker. You're starting Friday's game," Marmer walked away.

We were very happy for Milton. He was very excited to be a jock for once and not a nerd. The next day at school when we got to lunch the guys were very excited to eat at the "fancy" table where we got to eat real food. "Thanks to Milton we're in for a whole new life at school," Kim caressed the table which was weird. "You are not kidding. Mr. Bauer gave me detention for riding my skateboard. But when I dropped Milton's name, poof, it went away," Jack leaned back in his chair and he looked kinda-- no stop thinking like that he's your best friend.

"Oh, that's nothing. Guess who made the pep squad?" Kim bragged I think. "I thought Grace wasn't going to let you in?" Eddie asked. "She wasn't. But Milton made a phone call and three spots magically opened up. All this one has to do is shave his pit poodles," Kim pointed at Jerry. Wait she said three, wait a minute...she wouldn't "Kim you said three, and you and Jerry were the only ones here that tried out," Jack stated. "You didn't," I glared at her. 

She did, didn't she? "Thena will be joining," Kim smirked at me. "You bitch. I told you I wouldn't be a cheerleader," I cursed. "You're doing it, or I'll tell Rudy you're the one who kicked the whole in the wall we hide behind one of his Bobby Wasabi posters," Kim knew I didn't do that Jerry did it trying to do a flying sidekick. "I didn't do that and you know it," I pointed at her. 

We had a staring contest until Jerry started saying he wasn't shaving his pits. Kim punched me in the arm and he agreed. "I think you should join them Thena," Jack said "You're kidding?" I looked at him weirdly. "All right, everybody, I have used game socks," Milton walked into the cafeteria. "You coming from a game?" I asked. "No, history. The Russian revolution really takes a lot out of me," Milton sighed. "Are you wearing one of my oogs?" Kim asked.

Milton looked exhausted and I don't think anyone was noticing it. I started to get a weird feeling in my gut. "When you have a loaded gun, you have to keep it in a holster, honey," Milton patted the boot. Milton was just about to eat when Marmer called him away for team pictures. I saved half of my lunch for him for later. "Is it just me or does Milton look tired?" I asked around the table. I got a course of "No's" and "I don't think so's". I agreed to do the cheer thing but only if I was the one to rip a wax strip off of Jerry. 

"I think you made the right decision, Jerry. Athena, grip it and rip," Grace said. "I changed my mind. No grip, no rip! Don't do it!" Jerry freaked out. I ripped as hard as I could. "I not even a damn dent?" I was so confused. 

It was game time and Kim, Jerry, and I were on the sideline with the cheer team and I hated myself for it. Milton ran out to take his third field goal and of course, he made it. "That's a time-out on the field," the announcer says. "Ok, it's showtime. We're going up," Kim said. Kim went onto Jerry's shoulders and I went on I think his name was Drew's shoulders. "Give us an "S"!" "S!" "Give us an "E"!" "E!" Give us an "A"!" "HELP!" Kim yelled as she and Jerry fell forward. 

Drew brought me down safely. Kim fell headfirst into a sousaphone. "When I get this thing off my head you're dead Jerry!" She yelled chasing Jerry.  I was standing next to Milton when Jack walked up. "Hey, Milton, check it out. I got free popcorn just for knowing you," Jack bragged. "Milton, you look exhausted. Where do you want to be right now?" I asked. "What's the matter?" Jack asked. "Every time I look at the football, I think of all the things I'd rather be doing," Milton confessed. 

Milton confessed that he did all this for us and I felt bad because, while I didn't want to be on the pep squad and I still don't but everyone else was taking advantage of this and Milton got nothing. "Milton I think it's time the "foot" retired," I patted his shoulder. "You guys would be ok with that?" Milton asked. "Yeah, as long as you're happy so are we," Jack wrapped his arm around me. Milton went out for the winning kick and take a guess. We won, one of the guys on the team came over and told us about a victory party at his house.

We didn't go through we went and had our own little party at the dojo. Milton decided that he would stick to academics and not athletics, which we all supported. Rudy and Phil joined us a little while later after agreeing on a team. "Hey, if it helps, I thought you did good as a cheerleader," Jack said. "Thanks, Jack but we both know I'm not returning to the cheer team," I laughed a little.

Jack pulled me into a side hug as he laugh a little too. I felt a weird feeling in my stomach when Jack hugged me but I brushed it off. "I figured as much. Thought I would try though," He added.

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