Capture the Flag

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(With black converse)

The gang and I were sitting in Phil's before practice. "Does your hummus smell worse than it normally does?" I asked. "It's not the hummus. It's from him," Eddie pointed to Jerry. Jerry pulled out a clear bottle with a yellow-ish liquid in it "That's my new cologne. It's called "Impurity" Jerry sprayed his "cologne" to which we picked up our food to protect it "Dude that shit stinks and we don't need you making our food any more gross than it already is," I flicked Jerry on the forehead.

After that I heard a high pitched laugh and looked over to see Swathmore Academy students "Oh great the snobby and annoying are here," I crossed my arms. I hated Swathmore kids, they thought just because they had money they could treat people who had less like they were shit. That and the two people at the counter were Claire and her brother Nathaniel(it doesn't say who the other guy is so I improvised) were the most annoying.

Claire had this weird crush on Jerry and Nathaniel thought he could just call me pet as if I was he's girlfriend. Which by the way never in my life would that ever flipping happen. "They must have finally realized Phil makes the best falafel in town," Milton thought. Which I thought was a little far fetched. "Put it in a doggie bag, you. It's for our dogs. Can you imagine? He thought we were going to eat this," Claire snipped. "What's next, should we go bathe in the mall fountain," Nathaniel said. They laughed and then Jerry just had to draw their attention to our table. 

"Oh, uh, not...not from 3:00-4:00. That's Jerry's time," Jerry smirked like it was something to be proud of. "Jerry, you are a new level of gross," I scoffed. Of course Claire walked over to our table by Jerry's side which got Nathaniel's attention. Which caused him to see me and smirk. I ground and put my head on the table. "Hello, Jerry," Claire said trying to flirt. "I wish I could stay, but my poor pug is starving," I thought Claire was done until she said "woof" while swinging her hips. 

I picked my head off the table which was a terrible idea apparently cause Nathaniel as he walked by quickly picked up my hand, kissed my knuckles, smirked, winked and walked out after Claire. I wiped the back of my hand on my pants and leaned into Jack's side. 


Watching that Swathmore kid kiss Thena's hand made me feel weird inside. It was n't like the butterflies I get when she cheers me on in a match but more of a sick feeling. I don't think it could be jealousy. Why would I be jealous? What do I have to be jealous about?


We walked over to the dojo to start practice Eddie walked in with a paper pad and pencil "Guess what guys. I was selected to be head of the float committee, because I am the only person who even has a chance of pulling it off," He boasted. "No one wanted the damn job did they?" I asked. "No, they did not," He admitted. Rudy came out as we were talking about Seaford on parade "Oh god, please no," I whined as Rudy went off about how Teddy Kavanagh stole the Seaford High flag. "Rudy, that was a long time ago. You're an adult now, just go over there and get it back," I said. 

We all left as Rudy started telling Milton his "Top 5 lentil stories". Kim and I were walking over to Phil's for a little break after practice when we saw a giant plastic clam. "The fuck is-" I was cut off by a high pitched "ew". It was Claire and like 4 other Swathmore girls "Sorry, I was distracted by the giant toilet seat," Kim said. That offended Claire apparently "That is the clam for the pearl of Seaford," As Claire said this I stood behind her mimicking her with exaggerated gestures and stupid faces. I looked away when she flipped her head back to glare at me. "Kinda sad that any of you participate in a competition just to gain any kind of validation," I crossed my arms and walked off.

A little while later Milton, Jack, Jerry, Kim, and I were sitting in the dojo while Milton played fashionista with a horrid red dress Kim was wearing. "Kim, how can I put this nicely. You look like a giant Swedish fish gummie," I was sitting in between Jack and Jerry on a stack of mats. "My aunt loaned me this dress," She turned to look at us. "Let me say this as delicately as I can...your aunt does not love you," Jack agreed with me. Kim stormed out of the dojo after Milton gave her a "disaster package" card to gown depot. 

Eddie walked in looking stressed. "Eddie why do you look like you're about to pass out?" I asked. "This float thing is killing me. I don't have a theme. I'm blocked, I'm freaking out, man!" Eddie sat down. After trying to help Eddie and Jerry be annoying and no help(shocker I know) Rudy walked in looking heated. "Rudy, you look like you're about to blow a fuse. Why are you so angry?" I seem to be asking how people are a lot lately.  "Actually, it's's a funny story. I, uh.. went down there and, this is totally going to make you laugh. Um... the kid who took the flag, is now the headmaster. It's funny, huh? It's funny!" Rudy was about to flip his shit.

"So you asked for the flag back and he said no?" Jack questioned. "Yeah, not only that but he said when he took the flag Seaford high officially became the home of losers," Rudy explained. Ok, its one thing when a Seaford high student makes fun of the school. It's ok they go to the school and we know it's not the best but when some stuck up, Richie rich, snobby, uniform wearing brat makes fun of our school It's really not ok "That's it. If they won't hand it over nicely I saw we go over there and take it back ourselves," I said walking out of the dojo.

After we sneaked our way into Swathmore we found some uniforms that surprisingly fit perfectly and made our way to a main hallway. "You know, it would be a lot easier if we had Eddie and Kim here to help us find the flag," Jerry complained. "Nah, Kim's building a float for the parade and Eddie's in the pearl of Seaford pageant," Jack said. "Try swapping those there bub," I added. Milton gave us caramel jolly whoppers to make up sound like stuck up rich kids which was stupid in my opinion. We split up to look for the flag and Milton and I landed in the same room. The fencing room, Milton, come here put this helmet on with me, we'll act like snobby rich kids," I put the helmet on and grabbed a "sword". 

We jokingly tapped them together when a group of guys walked in. One of them is none other than Nathaniel. "There you are, Mumford. Ready for our rematch?" He asked Milton. I quickly put the sword thing down and ripped my helmet thing off not realizing what I just did. "What the hell kind of name is Mumford?" I asked. I froze realizing I just outed myself to the enemy. "Well,  this is a surprise," Nathaniel smirked at me. I backed up towards the door while Milton tried to fight him and lost until Milton kicked Nathaniel in the junk, bowed and his helmet fell off. "Run!" I yelled as we booked out of the room with Nathaniel and his goons after us. 

Jack, Jerry, Milton, and I ran into each other in the same main hall we were in when we got here. Only this time we were being chased out by an angry group of Swathmore jar heads. We made it out untouched and back to the dojo before they could really try anything. Jack told us the Swathmore planned to fly Seaford's flag on their float in the parade. "That taffy-tugging tyrant!" Rudy was getting upset again. As we sat around the dojo thinking of ways to get the flag back, we still needed to change out of the Swathmore uniforms we now stole.

"Guys I got it! All the floats start in that hanger by the train station. What if we get it back before the parade starts," I suggested. "How are we going to get near their float?" Rudy asked. "All the Swathmore kids know what we look like," Jack pointed out. That's when Eddie walked in pushing a giant log. "Guys, I finished our float," He said happily. "Cool" Great" "Awesome" "What is it?" Rudy asked. "It's a replica of the screaming log of Seaford," Eddie said. "Nice," I said.

"Oh, legend has it that the founder of our town crawled into a hollowed log to survive the harsh winter of 1808," Rudy explained. "Why do they call it the "Screaming log"?" Jack asked. "Unfortunately, so did a family of wolverines who had the same idea," I added. Jack got the idea for us to hide in the log while Eddie pushed us into the hanger so we could surprise attack the Swathmore float but he forgot about the door latch so it took a minute for us to get out. 

We climbed up the ship going for the flag, which surprise surprise it ended up in a fight. Swathmore vs Seaford. I swung on a rope over to Milton who was being double teamed by Nathaniel and some random girl. I took out the girl and turned face to face with Nathaniel. "Look what we have here? A damsel in distress," He said. He had me trapped between him and the mail sail staff. "THENA!" I heard Kim yell. I looked over Nathaniel's shoulder to see her chuck her pearl of Seaford staff. I caught it, shoved Nathaniel off of me and started to sword fight with him until I knocked him off the ship.

We had won. Kim came over and joined us on the ship and her pageant director got shot in the face by one of the cannons and drove himself to the hospital in the clam float. "So I heard you beat Claire in the pageant," I handed the staff back to Kim. "You're looking at the new Pearl of Seaford," she stated. "So, is the pearl too good to take a ride on her friends on a log?" I asked. "No way! Let's do this," She exclaimed. 

We ended up taking Swathmore's ship into the parade since they abandoned it. We went down main street singing our school's fight song. 

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