Win, Lose or Ty

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~I'm skipping Two Dates and Funeral episode. Mostly because I couldn't figure out a way to write with Athena since the whole gang already knows they're dating~

The gang and I were in the parking lot a little ways away from the black dragons  doing a demo to promote the dojo while Milton was handing out...jock straps. Why Rudy chose jock straps as a free hand out is beyond me, "Wasabi!" we yelled as we ended the little demonstration. "All right, guys. Who's ready to sign up?" Jack asked. "Who's just here for the free jock strap?" Kim asked. The whole group of people crowded Milton and then ran off as soon as the box was empty. "They emptied the whole box; people are really weird when it comes to free shit," I said. "I think they got the one I was wearing," Milton said moving his hips around "Gross," I gagged. "Every month, Rudy forces us to do these lame promotions down the street from the black dragons to drum up business. And it never works," I added. 

I love the dojo, I do but these little demos Rudy has us doing are never going to work when the dojo is in some strip mall that looks like it's going to crumble. I was pulled from my thoughts as a monster truck pulled up in front of us "Behold Wasab-a-Saurus! If you think this thing's awesome, well, come check out the monster deals at the Bobby Wasabi Dojo! Dojo...Dojo...," Rudy said through a megaphone. "Oh. My. God. Where did you even get that thing?" I asked. "I rented it at Bed, Bath, and Monster Truck. And by parking it out here in front of the Black Dragon Dojo, people will be talking about us instead of them." Rudy explained. "The idiot logic strikes again," I said. "Ooh! Ooh! You guys want me to rev this baby up, get some attention?" Rudy asked. We all shouted no but Rudy hit the gas and the truck was not in park so he shot forward and through the front window of the Black Dragon Dojo.

When we got back to our dojo Bobby was there looking none to pleased at Rudy. "Good luck brother," I patted his shoulder. We waited for a couple minutes before Bobby, Rudy and Sam walked out of Rudy's office. "It's gonna take two weeks for the Black Dragon Dojo to be repaired so for the mean time they'll be training here," Bobby said. I swear my jaw hit the floor, "You're joking right?" I asked. "No Thena I am not," Bobby stated before leaving. An hour later the Black Dragons showed up with their stuff "Ty," Rudy glared. "Kai?" Jack questioned. "Hi," Frank smiled at Kim. "Why?!" Kim cried. "Dragons! Drag-ify!" Ty order. They complete turned half the dojo, "Milton, what are you doing?" I asked. Milton turned around "What are you talking about? I'm trying to," He looked down. "Holy Christmas nuts! I've been drag-ified," Milton gasped.

"Hello there, Kai. I haven't seen you since you cheated in that tournament and almost killed me," Jack sneered. "Eh, I'm back in town. I heard the Black Dragons were your mortal enemy. That was good enough for me," Kia smirked before he winked at me and walked away. Having to share a dojo with the people who on a daily make your life just a little bit worse. Well let's just say it's a little hard to not start fighting. With the Black Dragon's acting like they own the place and us just trying to get through the day tension is very high. Milton's coughing up change, Jerry's upset about his empanadas, and now Rudy and Ty were just grunting at each other as Jack and Kai did dragon kicks. "Rudy! Really you guys are sensis you're supposed to set examples," I shouted annoyed by the grunting. So they left to go fight in a parking lot. 

It had been a while since Rudy and Ty left and things were getting heated in the dojo. The testosterone levels were through the roof. Everyone was arguing and I could feel the headache I was getting from the guys forming. "Big news, everyone. Me and my new best friend Ty, have decided to join forces and combine our dojos, permanently!" Rudy announced. "WHAT!" We all yelled. "Which means we're all one big, happy family," Ty added. "This isn't happening," I muttered to myself. The next day we had endure the weird friendship that was my brother and Ty. "I can't take this anymore! I'm getting mail addressed to "Mr. and Mrs. Frank Bickle". That's me, Mrs. Bickle!" Kim freaked. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 20 ⏰

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