Rock em' Sock em' Rudy

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Eddie walked passed us looking quite happy with himself "Told him to imagine breaking the board?" I smirked. "Shut up Thena.  Where have you guys been? You're an hour late," Rudy scolded. "I was over at built-a-bunny. Look what I made for my lady," Milton showed the bunny. "I just went to stickyhons," I said holding the half-eaten bun. "I did both," Jack showed his hands covered in stuffed animal stuffing cause he kept grabbing my stickyhon without a napkin.

"Must be nice! Just brambling about the mall, living la Vida Loca," Rudy seemed tenser than usual. "I wouldn't know because I'm here, teaching classes, paying bills, sucking the sweat stains out of these mats," Rudy exaggerated. "Remind me to get a vacuum for the dojo, please," I grimaced. Bobby was coming which explained why Rudy was all twitchy. Bobby's entrance today was by jetpack from a garage sale. 

"May I present a teaching machine so advanced it will revolutionize karate as we know it," Bobby said. 2 ninjas rolled in a tall wooden crate. In said crate was a robot that said "Wasabitron" on it. "Whoa!" We all said at the same time. "I give you the Wasabitron,"

~~Small Time Skip~~

"That was technically flawless. You are a model of efficiency," Wasabitron said as we finished sparing. "Hear that Jack? It called me flawless," I bragged. Eddie wouldn't spare the robot, Rudy had his "most productive day ever" and then left for the rest of the day, Wasabitron wouldn't spare Jerry because he thought Jerry was an Orangutan, and Jack got corrected on a bo-staff routine. I know it's not much for Jack but for me it was. 

~~Imma skip towards the end of the episode where they fight the wasabitron cause in my opinion I found this episode boring~~

One by one we all went at the robot trying to defeat it. But it didn't matter we weren't gonna win against this thing "The chances of you defeating me are over, million to one. Why do you continue to fight?" The robot questions Rudy. "Because I have something you don't, internal bleeding, a fractured tibia, and a spleen with some of my own teeth in it. But more importantly, I got heart. It's why I'll never quit," Rudy said with pride. "Yeah, Rudy!" "Come on!" Kim and I said together.

Jack went at it again but it didn't do much. "How many more times do we have to do this?" Jerry panted. "As many times as it takes," I said. "I didn't want to do it the first time," Milton said. "These continued attacks are illogical," said the robot. "Not to us Tin Man," I started. 

"We live by the Wasabi Code, that's something Rudy taught us," Jack ended. "We swear by the light of the dragon's eye, to be loyal and honest and never say die. Wasabi!" We all said together. 

The robot couldn't fathom the wasabi code and short-circuited.  Bobby rehired Rudy and left, Rudy took Milton's "failed" robot and turned it into a vacuum for the mats. But turns out the robot just needed a minute before tuning in a robot twice his size.


More Jack and Athena stuff will be happening soon. like getting closer and a few scenes of my own will be added:)<3

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