New Jack City

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It was the time of year in the karate world where we had "California Battle of The Dojo" Every year dojos from every city in California have a tournament to see who's the best. And every year our dojo never gets picked, this year it was being held here in Seaford. "Hey, it's almost time, change the channel," I said. We were in Phil's waiting to hear which dojos were competing this year. "Yo! What are you doing, man?" I was just watching my favorite cartoon, "Worm With a Perm" Jerry said. "You know what it's about?" He asked. "A worm with a perm?" I deadpanned. 

I felt a pinch in my side and I glared at Jack. "Here we go," Jack said and we all turned to the T.V. 

"Should we go get Rudy?" I asked. "No, no. Every year he comes in a disguise because he can't handle the embarrassment when our dojo doesn't get in. Trust me, he's around here somewhere," Jerry explained.  Jerry then got up and started walking around trying to see which one was Rudy. Then Rudy walked in "No disguise this year, big brother?" I asked. "Nope. I am a grown man, and I'm going to accept the fact that my dojo is what it is," Rudy said. I was proud of him, he was acting mature for once. Ty and some of his students walked in, they get in every year so why he was here I had no idea. "Why are you here Ty? You guys get in every year," I said. 

He came in here to gloat like usual. I rolled my eyes and turned back to the T.V. Surprise surprise when we hear the Black Dragons are competing. As they went through the list of dojos they were at the final dojo "And the final competitor...The Bobby Wasabi Dojo!" We all cheered. "Babe you get to represent us in the Battle of The Dojos!" I exclaimed. We all left and headed over to the dojo so we could start practice. 

I was taking a water break while Jack was still practicing his bo staff routine when Jerry came running into the Dojo all kinds of excited. "Yo, Rudy! Guess who's back? One of the coolest guys ever to step foot in this dojo," Jerry said. Then, the one person I never wanted to see again came running into the dojo with Kim on his back. "What? I don't believe it. Carson Hunter? What are you doing here? Haven't seen you in forever," Rudy smiled. I rolled my eyes Carson Hunter was nothing but a lying two-faced fuck boy. I first met him when my parents and I came to Seaford to visit my brother when I was younger. He tried to flirt with me even though we were like 10, anyway he tried to make a move on me and I punched him in the nose. 

I met him a second time in 8th grade right before I moved in with Rudy. He was with a new girl every week at school, he thought it made him cool. He also cheats at everything he does so it goes his way and he wins. "Hey, man. I'm Jack," I snapped out of my thoughts. "Jack is like the new version of you," Jerry said. "Jack Brewer. I've heard a lot about you," Carson said. There was something about his tone of voice I didn't like. "Darn right you have," Rudy boasted. "Jack's a second degree black belt with a foundation of Tae Kwon Do and Jujitsu," I added. "Athena. I haven't seen you since middle school," Carson smirked. "I wished it stayed that way," I snipped.

Jack looked at me in confusion and I gave him a look that said I'd explain later. After everyone got done reminiscing they all left to go to Phil's except Jack and I. "So, what's up with you and Carson?" Jack asked. "I met the fist when I was visiting Rudy with my parents when we first started up here. We were like 10 and he tried to flirt with me. I met him a second time in 8th grade and he was a new girl every week. He would try and flirt with me and would try to make moves on me but that ended up with me punching him in the nose. He always cheats to make sure things go his way," I explained. 

I walked over and sat next to Jack on one of the dojo benches and Jack wrapped his arm around me "Good, now I don't have to worry about him stealing you away from me," He kissed the top of my head. I laughed "No one could take me away from you, well maybe Jamie Campbell Bower, he could steal me any day," I joked. "He'd have to fight me first," Jack acted jealous. we laughed and then grabbed our stuff and headed to his house. 

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