The Wrath of Swan

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Jack was on the new pegboard when Kim and I came into the dojo. "Kim I don't want to" I whined. "You're doing it," She said shoving me over toward Jack "Oh hey, Thena.  Check out the new pegboard. It is a great upper body workout," Jack explained. "Yeah, I know what it is, but Rudy's been using it to dry his sweaty socks," I pointed out. "I knew these pegs smelled like feet," Jack went back to going up to board. 

I looked at Kim still not wanting to ask him to this stupid dance "So, Jack you uh...wanna hang out this weekend?" I squeaked out. "Yeah, sure. What do you wanna do"? Jack asked. "Wannabe her date to the Riverside Country Club for the Swan's Court Cotillion Ball," Kim blurted out. Jack fell off the pegboard. "Are you ok?" I asked helping him up. "Oh, yeah. Yeah, I'm fine. But I am not going to any ball. I hate tuxedos, I can't dance, oh, and one more thing...I am a dude. Dudes don't do Cotillions," Jack listed.

Jerry and Milton walked into the dojo "They probably don't have anything to do this Saturday," Jack pointed. "Actually, we got roped into going to the Swan's Court Cotillion," Milton didn't sound too happy about it. Apparently, Milton's mother is making him take her boss's daughter and Jerry is taking her friend. "Wait, Jerry why are going?" I asked. "Milton's giving me 60 bucks and letting me watch his turtles go at it," Jerry explained. "The money I get, but the turtle thing is fucked up on a different level," I sighed and walked away.

~~Time skip to Friday~~

It was lunchtime and Kim and I was in line to get food. Unfortunately Frank and his little gang of black dragons were behind us. Frank was glaring at Kim "Frank you stare any longer at us or just Kim, Imma hit you in the dick that you won't ever reproduce," I threatened. "We just wanted to let Kim know, that we haven't forgotten how you disrespected us when you walked out on the Black Dragon. You know what they say about payback," Frank slammed his fist onto his trey. "You know you just punched your meatloaf, right?" Kim stated. 

"Dumbass," Was all I said as I walked to our table. Jenny and Carrie walked into the lunchroom giggling. "I, I think your dates for the cotillion just walked in," Jack pointed out. I know that they aren't what society or high school would deem "pretty" but they were nice and sweet and they are beautiful in their own way and they knew that. I hit Jack's arm "Do not laugh at them," I scolded. "Hey, Milton. Hi, Jerry" Jennie greeted.

Jennie and Carrie left after saying they were excited about tomorrow. I had moved over to where Kim was sitting as she introduce this new kid and was trying to make me ask him to the cotillion. Brody left to go get food. "Kim I am not asking him. if you think he's so cute you ask him ok," I glared. "Hey, guys," Jack put a piece of cake on the table. "I snagged the last piece of red velvet," Jack pushed it over to us. "Thanks, I got an apple," Kim sneered. "I'll take it," I grabbed the small plate.

"I know you're mad at me about the cotillion thing. But trust me, you do not want me there, my manners are horrible. At any moment, this finger could be in any hole in my face," Jack explained. "Jack I was never mad, I'm irritated because Kim is making me go with her and her date," I smirked. "What you do mean my date?" Kim looked confused. "Hey, Kim," Brody sat back down. "This is Kim's date, Brody," I smiled at Kim while she glared at me.

Jack looked relieved at the statement but still a little guilty. "I'm just 3rd wheeling tomorrow and that's fine with me," I started smiling in victory. 

It was now after school and we were at the dojo "Guys do you have to practice here?" I asked, holding my bo-staff. I wanted to practice a routine I learned from my old sensei back when I lived with my parents. It was one routine that no one could master in our class, but I did and I was the youngest one in the advanced black belt class. "What the?" Jack walked in and turned off the music.

"Thank you," I sighed in relief. "Whoa whoa. What is going on in here?" Jack questioned. "We're practicing our dance for the cotillion," Kim put her hands on her hips. "Not in here. This is a dojo, brochacho," Jack mocked. "Have you ever been in a dojo Brody?" I asked. "This my first time in a dojo, actually," Brody said. Kim and I left after that to go meet with her mom about her dress and then to go find mine.

 Kim and I left after that to go meet with her mom about her dress and then to go find mine

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~~Thena's dress~~At the Cotillion~~

It was as boring as I expected it. Jennie and Carrie surprised Milton and Jerry which was pretty funny but other than that I was bored out of my mind Kim and Brody were nominated to be King and Queen of the Swan Court. They were just about to announce who won King and Queen when Milton, Jerry, and Jack ran in "what are you guys doing?" I asked. "Brody's a black dragon and they're here to get revenge on Kim," Jack explained. 

"I knew there was a reason I didn't like him" I slightly cheered. "This Year's King and Queen of the Swan's Court are Brody and Kim," some lady announced. "IT'S THE SWAN!" I yelled. We all jumped up onto the stage ready to fight. "What is going on?!" Kim was frantic. "Your boy toy is a black dragon and they're here to get revenge on you," I crossed my arms. 

Frank shot Kim with some type of brown soup. The announcer lady starts to laugh "Oh, Oh, Oh you look terrible," She said. I pushed her in front of us just as Frank shot again. The announcer lady screamed and fainted, I laughed. Frank hopped onto the stage with his gang "Looks like we've got you outnumbered, 6 to 3," Frank said.

"Four," said Jerry. "Five," Milton added. "Six," Brody joined. "You just made a big mistake," Frank got angry. As usual, we started fighting, and as usual, we won. Brody apologized and left while Kim and I sat at a table. "Look at me I'm a mess," Kim complained. "I think you look fine but we can leave if you want," I offered. "Nah, I'm going home but you stay here and have a little fun," She said and placed the queen's crown on my head. 

Jack walked over to me as Kim left. "Where did you get that tux?" I asked. "Rudy lent it to me. I don't know, I kinda like it," He said stretching out his arms and fake flowers came out of one sleeve. "Where did those come from?" I asked. "Not a clue. Wanna dance?" He asked. "Sure, Kim left the crown here and Brody won't be needing this so," I put the king's crown on his head. 

We danced to what was the rest of the cotillion. I had to admit I had fun. Jack walked me home all the way to the apartment door. "I had a really fun time tonight, thanks Jack," I smiled. "Me too, surprisingly," Jack admitted. I was about to go inside when I made a split-second decision. I turned around and kissed Jack's cheek and quickly ran inside the apartment, leaving a stunned Jack in the hallway. 

"How was the dance?" Rudy asked. "It was fun. We had a fight with the Black Dragons, kicked their butts, and watch this one lady get covered in some brown soup," I said. "Well, I'm glad you had fun," Rudy smiled. I went to bed with a smile on my face as I fell into a dreamless slumber. 

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