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Milton, Kim, Jack, and I were having lunch at Phil's and he seemed a little more out than usual "And now it's time for my favorite part of your dinning experience...The check!" Phil slapped the check onto the table. I went to grab the check before Jack slapped my hand away and grabbed it "I'm paying today babe," Jack said. "But, you paid last time," I yoinked the paper from his hands. Looking at the check it was more than it should have been "Phil there's only three of us why is bill so high?" I asked.

Then Jerry walked by with 7 take out boxes "Yeah I heard one of you was buying, Thanks Thena!" Jerry said leaving. "Alright then," I sighed. Phil came rushing out from the kitchen wearing what I'm guessing was a traditional Hachmachistan get up. "Phil you ok? You look worried," I asked. Phil didn't hear and started pointing at different people and telling them to leave. "Phil, what are you doing?" Jack asked. "The Prince of Hachmachistan is coming here to see me, and I don't want him looking at anyone who's not pleasing to the eyes. And I'll be honest with you, Milton...You, my friend, very much on the fence," Phil said with no remorse. 

Poor Milton "Why is the Prince of Hachmachistan in Seaford?" I asked. "Hachmachistan is gonna use the port of Seaford for all its American trading. There's gonna be a royal reception tomorrow at the Seaford Tower. And I'll be attending, you know why?" Milton was trying to hard. "Because you're a nerd with no life," I said bluntly.  Jack elbowed me and Milton brushed it off "And...I'm President of the Student United Nations Club," Milton said. Then Phil started freaking out and then a group of guys walked in and the middle guy looked important. "My name is Yuval, Prince of Hachmachistan," He said to me. "When a man from my country sees a beautiful woman, there is a customary greeting. May I?" He asked. I'll admit it he was to bad looking, not my type, but he wasn't ugly "Go for it man," I said. 

I thought it was gonna be a weird handshake or like a hug but no this guy lets out a yell spits to the ground on either side of us, then grabbed my face "Alright we're gonna stop right there my guy," I pressed my hand to his face. Jack still sat at the table counting out money for the Jack "Babe, you need help?" I asked. Before Jack could answer the prince grabbed the check from the table and then proceeded to basically insult Jack and he already seemed peeved about this guy. "Excuse me. Uvula, is it? Yeah, thanks, but I'm paying that," Jack grabbed the check from the prince's hand. "Yeah, thanks, but I'm paying that. Can you believe this guy? I pay my own checks," Jack was getting a little P.O.ed with this Prince. 

"Too late! It is paid," The prince said. Then. y lord and savior walked in "Kim! Kim, this is Prince Yuval. Prince Yuval this is Kim. Kim is pretty, you talk to her," I shoved Kim towards the boy and grabbed Jack's arm and made a run for it. Jack and I were back at the dojo when Kim walked in and she looked star struck "Have a good lunch?" I teased. "It was amazing, And when the prince said goodbye, he leaned in close and looked at me with those big beautiful cow eyes and... You wanna know what I said to him?" Kim sighed. "Moo?" Jack asked. I stifled a laugh "No, Jack. I didn't say say m..." Kim had to stop and think about what she did say.

I let out a laugh "You actually mooed at a prince?" I said between laughs. "I was thinking about cows. What if...? Oh, no, I probably did," Kim said. I laughed harder. "Way to go, Kim. A prince comes to town and you moo him," Jack said rubbing my back. "Get over it, Kim. He's just obnoxious pretty boy royalty," Jack said. I mocked a pouty face "Aww, is Jack jealous of the prince," I might have poked the bear. "What is there to be jealous of? I got the gorgeous girl, don't I?" He asked. "I don't know...do you?" I joked.

That might have Jack to chase me around the dojo "It's just a joke! It's a joke babe," was all you could hear from me as I ran around the dojo. Jerry walked in a little bit after Jack stopped chasing me  "Whatcha got there?" I asked. "It's a Lemur from Madagascar. Yeah, part of my job at Seaford Animal Park is taking care of it. It sleeps all day and spends its nights in a tree top licking itself," Jerry explained. "Lucky," Rudy said, I didn't even see Rudy come in. Phil came walking in with flowers and black circular box "Big news, people! Big news!" Phil said. "I have been asked by the Prince to present him with the symbolic key to the city of Seaford at his royal reception tomorrow night," Phil said. 

I was excited for Phil "Congrats, Phil. But what's with the roses?" Kim asked. "These are for the Kims. And the Prince wanted the Thenas to have this," Phil handed me the box. "Woah. Diamonds? No one's ever given me a necklace. No wait Jack did," I said holding up my wrist. "You kept it?" Jack asked. "Yeah but the string broke one day so I tied it around my wrist. I don't go anywhere with out it," I smiled. Kim was still staring at the Diamond necklace "Kim, would like the necklace?" I asked. "No no no no. It's your gift," I handed Kim the necklace. I had no use for it, it was a nice sentiment but I had a wonderful guy to give me gifts at random times. "Thena you have to go with me to the reception. I might say something stupid," Kim dragged me out of the dojo by my wrist towards a dress shop.

This was going to be a long day. It didn't take me long to find a dress that was decent enough for the event. Kim took a little longer before finding "the perfect dress" as she put it. I was sitting in Kim's room while she was rushing around grabbing different things she needed to get ready "You sure you don't want to go? It could be fuuun," I joked. I was on the phone with Jack trying to get him to go so I wouldn't have to deal with Kim making goo goo eye at the Prince. "You're not getting me to go sweetness," Jack said. I groaned "You're no fun. Ok I gotta go Kim's walking towards me with makeup brushes. Save me," I said. "Good bye babe," Jack hung up. "That little stinker," I stared at me phone in disbelief. I looked up at Kim who had a smirk on her face as she raised the makeup brush "There's no escaping you on this, is there?" I asked. "Nope!" She said 

I accepted defeat and let her cover my face lightly. I got her to agree on light makeup because well I don't like the feeling of a full face of makeup. About an hour later Kim and I were at the Seaford Tower sitting at the Prince's table "I don't know what's sparkling more...the diamonds or your eyes," The prince said to Kim. Kim got flustered and started to stutter and then said "moo" to the prince "Nice going Kim," I laughed. She elbowed me, in the side and glared at me, then we saw Rudy walk out on stage in a funny outfit "Now presenting the grand high exalted... mystic falafel maker...and all- around super guy...Phil," Rudy announced. Phil jogged up on stage and started to make small talk with the crowd "How much longer is this thing gonna take," I sighed.

"Would you quit whining. We are in the presence of royalty and all you want to do is leave," Kim ranted. "That's the first time I've asked all night. And secondly I'd rather be at home on my couch with my boyfriend watching some shitty movie on TV then be here," I said. I walked off to find something to drink since most of what was being served around was Champagne. I found Milton a little bit later after finding some water and was talking with him until Rudy came back on stage. "Presenting the key to the city...Hachmachistan's own falafel Phil. Hey, waiter with the cheese balls, I've been looking for you," Rudy jumped off the stage and ran after a waiter. Phil came up on stage but looked a little off. "Wait, stop!" Jack came running on stage "Jack?!" I said. When did he get here? Damn..he looks good in a suit.

"Jack kicked the key out of Phil's hand and Kim caught "Throw it!" Jack yelled. "What?" Kim asked. "The key... throw it out the window now!" Jack yelled. I grabbed the key from Kim's hand and chucked it out an open window, it blew up as soon as it went out the window. Jack and "Phil" continued to fight till Jack flipped him through a table. "Jack what is going on with Phil?" I asked. "He's not Phil," Jack bent down and ripped a mask off the guy "Who are you?" The guy asked. "Brewer. Jack Brewer," Jack fixed his coat sleeve. "Ok James Bond calm down," I brushed off some food that had landed on his shoulder during the fight. Kim came over trying to ask what was happening but it came out in jumbles. "Yeah, I too would like to know what the hell just happened," I asked. "I'll explain later," Jack said wrapping an arm around me. 

The Prince came running over to us "Kim! Athena! You and this boy with the amazing hair saved my life. I have never met a girl like either of you. You must be my princesses. You will come to my country," I cut him off. "Not gonna happened my guy. I got my prince right here," I laid my head on Jack's shoulder. "Look, you're a nice guy, but, honestly, I don't think I'm cut out for this whole royalty thing," Kim handed back the diamond and walked off. "I owe you my sincere appreciation. I hope you know you are a very wealthy man," The prince said to Jack. "Oh, I do," Jack smiled at me. He handed The Prince some money from the bill at Phil's, "I'm so glad you're here I've been so bored here. Want to get out of here and go watch a movie?" I asked. "I just climbed 80 floors up the side of a this building, the music's still playing and I think I look kind of dashing. Do you want to dance?" Jack asked. 

"Maybe for a little bit. But I'm taking these shoes off," I sat down and took off the heels Kim made me wear "That is much better," Only down side was now instead of being the same hight as Jack I was bak to being up to his shoulders. "I very much agree," Jack smiled. We danced for a few songs before leaving and heading back to my apartment and watching a really bad horror movie that was playing on TV.  

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