It Take Two to Tangle

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~pick whatever one but the hats aren't there, sorry~

The gang, minus Kim were standing around Jack watching him break three boards using his "Kiai" as he called it. "Wow Jack, how do you do that?" Jerry asked. "It comes from inside me, it's my Kiai," Jack answered. I was mimicking him from behind him so only the other would see me and they were trying to hide their chuckles but failed. Jack turned around to look at me but I looked around like I had no idea what he was doing. "You think you're funny?" He asked. I waited a second to make it seem like I was pondering my next word "I think I'm adorable," I giggled at that. 

"The boys in my family get their Kiai's removed, it's tradition," Jerry said. "Jerry that's not at all what Jack meant," I don't understand what goes through Jerry's mind sometimes. "A Kiai is the sound you make when you release the power of your inner self. Come on, guys! Free your inner beast," Jack encouraged. Eddie and Jerry tried and sounded pretty good, Milton tried and sounded like a dying dove. "Milton you sound like a dying dove there Hun," I patted his shoulder as I walked back over to Jack's side. 

Suddenly I remembered what was happening this week "Oh, are you and my brother ready for the Sensei-Student tournament this week?" I asked Jack. "Totally, and since I'll be competing with Rudy, I've been training my butt off," Jack said. "Thena? How come you aren't competing instead of Jack?" Jerry asked. "My brother and I tried that one time and we just argue too much about what we should do so we just agreed I would go as moral support instead," I explained. I didn't mind not competing. Don't get me wrong Jack and I are the top 2 students but When it comes to social attention I'd rather not be the student in front. 

I also had to make sure Rudy was packed and ready to leave the house before it was last minute and ready to leave the hotel before it was last minute. "Jack, I hope you're prepared for our trip to San Francisco, because I know I am. I found my rubber vomit, and my deluxe whoopee cushion," Rudy was all kinds of excited. "Did I forget to mention Rudy does take it seriously till the last minute," I added stepping out of the way before Rudy squeezed the cushion. "What makes it deluxe?" Jerry asked. Rudy squeezed the cushion and the smell that was emitted from the thing was horrific. 

"The smell," Rudy smirked and walked away. 

About 4 hours later we arrived at the hotel. Rudy tricked the poor bag guy out of getting a tip for helping. "Ok, we'll unpack, have a great night's sleep then hit the ground running in the morning," I said take 2 drawers to unpack. "I just need one drawer, you can have.." Jack was cut off. "Don't need it," Rudy in the span of 2 seconds had all his stuff on the far side of the room including the whole bed so that meant Jack and I would have to share. "You don't mind sharing a bed do you?" I looked at Jack. My stomach was doing back flips right now "No I don't mind," He said.

Rudy was setting up a...satellite dish? "What are you doing?" Jack asked. "These hotel movie prices are outrageous! That's why I always bring my own satellite dish," Rudy explained. "Is that a good idea?" I asked. "I do it all the time," Then the satellite fell out the window taking the t.v with it, then it hit a car down on the street below. We stayed and hung out in the hotel room for the remainder of the day. I also learned that Jack is big on cuddling, he fell asleep at 8:00 which was an hour before I did and he was clinging to like a baby monkey to its mother. And honestly my slight crush grew more. I was reading the book I brought with me and I was subconsciously running my hand through his hair, which made Jack nuzzle, nuzzle into me and I about died. 

I feel asleep after reading a few chapters in my book. It was about 9:30 when I fell asleep. 


At 3 in the morning I was rudely woken up by Rudy throwing a wind chime. It took me a minute to realize I was spooning Thena and honestly I didn't want to move. "Rudy! What the heck are you doing?" I whisper shouted. "Oh, having trouble sleeping huh? Me too," He lied. Thena rolled over facing me...well my chest. I smiled a little, "See what's on TV?" Rudy asked. "I don't care what's on TV..." I saw it was a Bobby Wasabi movie and gently moved from Thena's sleeping form. "Whoa! It's Bobby Wasabi and "The Big Book Beat-down," I sat crossed legged on Rudy's bed. 

Kickin' It in love (Jack Brewer)Where stories live. Discover now