Wedding Crashers

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(The winter one. I show her wedding outfit at the bottom of this chapter:) )

We were in the middle of practice when Jerry walked in with Mika. "Ah, here it is Mika. This is the place where I got my black belt and beat down Jack," Jerry lied. Jack and I looked at each other with bewildered expressions. Jerry turned around to see that Jack was standing behind him "Oh, hey Jack," Jerry looked worried now. 'Uh, we should probably go, Mika," Jerry tried to escape his fate. Me being the kind friend I am, I stepped in the way of Jerry leaving "No no no no. Why don't you show Mika how you beat Jack  down?" I suggested. "Yeah, show her how you beat me down," Jack agreed. 

Jerry looked like he had seen a ghost "Uh, see, I... the thing is I don't...I don't really remember," Jerry stuttered. "Oh, I do. First, he got me in an arm lock. Like this," Jack twisted Jerry around. "Then he gave you a front snap kick," Eddie joined in on the fun. "And then he flipped you," I added. Jack flipped Jerry onto the mat and then walked over to me and gave me a high five and a cheek kiss. I blushed and smiled "Wow, you're very excellent fighter, Jerry," Mika said. Then Bobby came in and flopped onto a stack of mats "Bobby? What's the matter?" I asked. 

"I'm lonely!" He said into the mat. Mika the loving soul that she is "But why are you lonely? Do you not have a girlfriend?" she asked. "Excuse me! I am...Bobby Wasabi, and no, I have no girlfriend," Bobby pouted. "Wait, well, that's it. That's what you need. I'm gonna help you find a girlfriend," Rudy said. "You will?" Bobby asked. "Trust me, Bobby. I got your back. Because if there's one thing I's how to deal with the crushing blow of loneliness," Rudy overshared. "It is Tuesday. Come to Falafel Phil's. It is singles' night," Mike shared. 

Jerry, Rudy, and Bobby left the dojo, to get Bobby ready for their night at Phil's. While they were at Phil's Jack and I had an impromptu date at the dojo. And by that I mean we went and bought snacks and watched this random Bobby Wasabi movie we found in Rudy's office. Everything was peaceful, until this woman walked in looking for Bobby. Her was Leona and she had her own ninjas. So we brought her over to Phil's. "Guys, great news!" Jack said basically throwing the door open. "This woman Leona came into the dojo and she's a huge martial arts fan," I explained. "She insisted on meeting you right away, Bobby," Jack added. 

"Really?!" Bobby said. "You're gonna love her. She even has her own ninjas," Jack said. Then Leona walked in with her ninjas behind her. Man this woman loved being dramatic. Just by saying hello Bobby had fallen head over heels with Leona. The next day we were in the middle of practice, Jack was showing Jerry a move when we heard people in the courtyard yelling. "What is that noise?" I asked. We walked over to the doors and looked out into the courtyard. "It's a giant flock of doves lowering Bobby into the courtyard," Jerry said. "That sounds about right," Rudy said. Bobby comes waltzing into the Dojo in a very upbeat mood "I take it the date went well," I stated. " might say that. In two days, I am...getting married!" Bobby exclaimed. 

We were all flabbergasted. It's been two days and he decides to marry the woman!? "Bobby, are you sure about this? You've known the woman for literally two days," I said. "Absolutely not. There are a lot of decisions to make...the music, the invitations," Milton butted in. "The flowers, the food," Mika added. "Where to sit that crazy aunt that smells like ham," Milton ended. He wasn't wrong about the aunt though, but still it didn't sit right with me that Bobby was rushing into this whole marriage ordeal. "Ok, thank you for encouraging him. But Bobby are you 100 percent sure about this?" I asked. 

Bobby went on to ignore me and well now Rudy is his best man while Milton and Mika are planning the wedding. Did I mention this wedding was happening today, no? Well it's happening today and I was getting a bad feeling about this Leona person. She seemed shady and secretive, but I promised Rudy and Jack I wouldn't do anything "mean" and pretend to be happy for Bobby and keep my comments to myself. Since I was doing nothing Mika had me help set up chairs and tables. Which I ended up stop doing since Milton and Mika decided to have a verbal fight about what a wedding should be.

Not gonna lie, weddings in Hachmakistan sound like so much fun. And then I found Jack and Jerry tied to each other back to back and to chairs. "Heeeeey baaabe, how's your day going?" Jack said. "I was right about Leona, wasn't I?" I said. "Maaaybe," Jerry squeaked. "She's going to kill Bobby with a special ring that has poison in it," Jack explained. I untied them but then Leona's ninjas came out of nowhere and guess what we had to fight our way out. "How are we gonna get to Bobby?" I asked. Jack grabbed a dress from a hanger and held it up "I am not going as a decoy," I stated. So we sent Jerry out  in the dress after I threatened to not kiss him for a week. Jerry rocked the dress and everyone had no idea that it was Jerry.

Jack took one of the ninja outfits and I went back into the main room and acted like nothing was wrong. Before Bobby lifted the vale on Jerry, Rudy threw the doors open yelling "Objection, your honor!" like a mad man. Rudy my lovely older brother had fallen for Leona and thought that's who he was confessing his love to. I was proud of myself for holding in my laughter when Jerry almost violently shook his head "no" at Rudy, who then awkwardly apologized and went back to be the best man. Also it was pretty funny to see everyone's shocked expressions when Bobby lifted the vale. Leona then rushed in with 4 ninjas behind her claiming we were "lying" about her. Leona pulled out the poisoned ring a ninja kicked the ring out of her hand and it landed in a plant killing it immediately. 

"What did you do, you fool!?" Leona yelled. The ninja pulled off his hood revealing that it was Jack "It's called saving my friend's life," He said. "Jack! You have ruined everything! Get them!" Leona yelled. And yet again there was another fight, for a group of teenagers we end up in a lot of fights that are never questioned. After fighting off all of the ninjas the police showed up to arrest them and Leona. To which Bobby almost fell for her innocent look and Rudy desperately tried to "woo" her but Leona asked him if she knew him. 

 Now we were sitting on the chairs that weren't broken in the fight taking a bit of a chill moment. "Well, I am embarrassed. I was so afraid of being alone, I was ready to marry the first homicidal maniac that looked my way," Bobby confessed. "I knew she was trouble from the moment I saw her. She gave me that crazy bitch vibe the whole time," I said. I got pinched in the side by Jack for that, "Bobby, you don't ever have to worry about being alone. Man, you'll always have us," Jack said. "You're right. I may have lost a wife today, but I have a family. And that is reason to celebrate. Eddie, hit it!" Bobby exclaimed. 

Eddie and the band started to sing and play as we danced for the next few hours. From the outside we probably looked like a bunch of weird people dancing like maniacs in a destroyed wedding venue.  But to us, we were just one family dancing away in celebration of each other. 

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