The Chosen One

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The gang and I, minus Jerry and my brother Rudy were waiting in the car for Jerry to get here so we could leave and head to the movies. "What is taking Jerry so long? We're going to miss the movie," Eddie stated. "We're going to see a movie? You guys told me we were going to get pizza," Kim said. I don't get why she had a problem with the movie, when we saw the trailer I thought it looked funny. "That's because if we told you we were going to see "Secret Agent Moose" you wouldn't have wanted to go," Jack added. "That's because it's about a secret...agent...moose!" Kim slightly yelled. 

Jerry finally showed up after that "Check out my necklace, yeah I got it from one of those crane machines. That's a moon rock bro. From the moon," Jerry showed us the necklace. "You believe that rock's from the moon?" Kim questioned. "What, you think they fill those arcade crane machines with junk?" Jerry questioned back. I looked in the rear-view mirror and saw a car pull up behind us. "Oh great, now I'm boxed in by a car full of bald dudes. Jerry, tell me how much room I have," Rudy asked. "Ah, come on back Rudy, you've got plenty of room," We heard Jerry.

Rudy started backing up and it was fine until we hit the car behind us "Ok that was not my fault," Rudy pointed out. "They're getting out. Hey they look like Shaolin Warriors," I looked at Jack. "Where'd they go?" Rudy asked. "What are Shaolin Warriors?" Eddie asked. Then we had the shit scared out of us by the Shaolin Warriors who had jumped onto the car. "Those are Shaolin Warriors," Rudy said. He looked like he was about to pass out. 

So now we were back at the dojo with the Warriors "This picture on your driver's license does not look like you," Yin Chen questioned. "Well i wanted to look good for the picture, so I got a few highlights in my hair," Rudy explained. I had to hide my face behind Jack's shoulder to hide the fact I was trying not to laugh at my brother. Yin Chen showed the card to the others and said something I didn't understand and they all started laughing. So I assume they were making fun of Rudy for the highlights. "I hope we did not startle you when we jumped on your car," Wan Chi apologized. "Oh, no we get it. As a Shaolin Warrior you're conditioned to react to the vibrations in your environment," I dismissed his apology that wasn't needed.  

"That and we thought mister highlights, was going to pull a smash and dash," Yin Chen looked at Rudy. We all kinda nodded our heads in silent agreement. "You guys are the greatest martial artists that ever lived. Your discipline, dedication, and focus, are legendary," Jack bowed. It was true when I was kid and first got into karate I did a lot of research on it and stumbled upon the Shaolin Warriors. I thought it would be so cool to be one but I thought it would be impossible to become one so I just made a goal to be the best in my dojo when I lived with my mom. 

Wan Chi looked around "I must say you have a very beautiful dojo," He said. "Would you like us to give you a quick demonstration?" Rudy asked. "Oh, we'd be honored," Yin Chen said. They stepped back off the mat while Jack, Jerry, and I stepped on.(start at 0:16. also Thena instead of Kim if that wasn't obvious)

"Wasabi!" We yelled. The Warriors clapped, delighted with our little show "Very impressive. If you would like maybe sometime you could come to our temple and train with us. Perhaps this weekend?" Wan Chi asked. I was immediately on board with going, "We'd love to," Kim said. That would be awesome," Jack said. Then Rudy started opening a pizza menu "Now, hold on...I've got a lot on my plate, let me check the old shed...Mm, got a date with Carol Friday night, I can move that to Wednesday. And then bounce Donna to Thursday. The twins...the twins...what am I gonna do with the twins?" I snatched to paper out of his hands.

"This is a pizza menu ya nutcase," I stated. "Ok, I'm in," Rudy said sheepishly. I was so excited, being able to see a real temple can be crossed off my bucket list. We still had the rest of the day before we left since "this weekend" started tomorrow. So like normal I went to Jack's house cause we still needed to talk about our kiss. We were up in his room with the radio on for background noise. "So are we gonna talk about what happened between us?" I asked. "Do you want to?" Jack countered. "I just now that I get this feeling in my stomach when I think about it and I can't help but smile thinking about it too," I looked at him.

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