Wazombie Warriors

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Jerry, Kim, Jack, and I were at Phil's. While the food is not always so good the place has become our little hangout spot. "Phil's new garlic falafel balls are disgusting," Jack pushed his basket away. "Surprising, considering the cook is a goat," I said pointedly. "Yeah, I know. These are awful," Jerry said. Yet Jerry was still eating the falafel balls "Then why do you keep eating them?" Kim asked. Jerry set down the ball "Because now I can do this," Jerry let out a burp and to say it was gross was an understatement "Jerry that was nauseating," I covered my nose from the smell. 

Jack shuffled closer pulling me into him, I put my head on his shoulder so I was smelling his cologne rather than Jerry's lingering burp. "It's gross, but you gotta admit, the man's an artist," Jack said rubbing his hand up and down my arm. "So, Thena, Kim. Are you coming to see the movie with us tomorrow?" Jack asked. "That zombie vampire movie?" I asked. "Yeah! Attack of the Killer Zompires!" The boys exclaimed. I saw the trailer for the movie a week ago it looked cool "Yeah, I'll go," I looked at Jack "Wanna be my date?" I smirked. Jack moved his arm from my shoulder to my waist. "I'll always be your date," Jack kissed my temple. 

"What movie?" Kim asked. "They're half-Zombie," Jerry said. "Half-Vampire," Jack added. "And all-lame," Kim ended. "If you guys wanna see a good movie, go see "The Horse Tamer". It's a romantic story about a muscular 18 year-old boy, who sells his last shirt to save a crippled horse," Kim gushed. "Just hearing those words makes me feel like less of a man," Jack stated. I leaned over to his ear "I can make you feel like a man if you want," I teased. His grip on my waist tightened a little causing me to giggle. "I can't guys I have to babysit my younger sister," Kim said. "Well then it can be a date night then," I looked at Jack. 

He smiled at the idea and didn't seem too sad about Kim not being able to join us for the movie. Then Eddie walked in "Hey, guys. You know what my new Explorer Scout patch means?" He asked. "You crossed the street by yourself," I said. "You threw out your nightlight?" Jerry asked. "You peed in the woods?" Milton asked. I gave him a strange look, "No, no and that's none of your business," Eddie said pointedly. "What it means is I'm the leader of my troop," Eddie explained.

I laughed a little "Aren't you the only one in your..." Jack started. "Leader of my troop!" Eddie stated. "My Scout Master says I'm brave, bold and fearless," Eddie added. "Great! So you're coming to see "Zompires" with us?" I asked. Eddie looked at me like I had grown a second head "Are you buts?! I looked at the commercial for that thing and I spent two days hiding in my mother's hamper," Eddie admitted. I started to chuckle until Jack pinched my side so I jerked a bit and gave him a look. "Yo, Eddie. Check this out," Jerry grabbed another garlic ball and ate it trying to do his burp trick...but the garlic ball had other plans and we heard Jerry's stomach gurgle. Jerry shot up from his seat making a B-line for the bathroom. 

The next day we were at school during our free period. Coincidentally Jack, Jerry and I had the same free period so Jack was trying to help Jerry get a date for the Zompires movie. "We've known each other for a while now and I feel a spark between us, and when I look into your eyes, I can tell you feel the exact same...way," Jerry tried. "Close but not quite there," I said. "When you say "spark between us," you gotta be breathy," Jack said. He then turned to me and said the same thing but more breathy and not gonna lie I felt myself melt. "See," Jack said turning to Jerry. 

"Not fair," I mumbled. "Ooh. That's good. Do that again," Jerry said.  I looked at him a little disturbed and Jack gave him a deadpanned look "No," He said. "Why are you so nervous about asking Katie out anyway?" I asked. I had English class with Katie and she was a very nice girl, she was shy and for some reason let Lindsey walk all over her but I thought she'd be good for Jerry. I saw her at her locker with...you guessed it Lindsey "Hey, Katie...Lindsey," I said. "I was wondering if you had the notes from English class yesterday?" I asked. "Um, yeah I might at home I'll look after school," She said. "No worries. I have a date tonight with my boyfriend tonight anyway so if you find them you could send me a picture," I said.

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