All the President's Friends

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(I didn't really know where to put Athena in the Sole Brothers episode since it's mainly Jack and Jerry)

To say that this week was a bit long, would be the biggest understatement of the century. "Hey, guys," Jack said walking through the door. "Hey babe," I said as a chorus of "Heys" and "Hellos," were said. I got up and gave Jack a hug, yeah it had only been a week but I missed his hugs. "How was your family reunion?" I asked. "Good. What's going on?" He asked. We all looked like a big train wreck except Eddie who was dressed like a mattress. "Guys. Stop. Hey, stop!" Jack yelled. We were all talking over each other. "Talk to me Lincoln," Jack said to Milton. 

"Well, it all started when Jerry got his new locker"


Jack, Jerry, and I were crowding around Jerry's new locker. Which was in line with most of the Cheer team plus myself, "Dude, I can't believe you got locker 138," Jack said. Jack had been trying to get the locker since it was next to mine but the principal said no. "This is where the prettiest girl in school has her locker," Jack said. "I hope you mean me, sweety," I said looking at him. Jack looked down at me and kissed me "Who else would I mean," He smiled. I chuckled as I saw Milton walk up with an angry expression. "Our school President, Frank, kicked me off the bus today so I had to walk to school. I got my first tardy," Milton held up the tardy slip. "No way. Milton McKrupnik, with a tardy slip. Never thought I lived to see the day," I said. 

"Oh, awesome. Tardy party after school. I'll probably be a little late," Jerry added. Then 2 Black Dragons walked up to Jerry's locker and taped a paper to it. Jerry took the paper off and read and then started freaking out. "No, no, no! Frank just had his black dragon goons confiscate my locker," Jerry explained. "Well, apparently as President you can do whatever you want," Milton added. "If you don't like it, guys, the school elections in four days. Run against him," Jack suggested. Unfortunately Jack was leaving school early to head to a family reunion and wouldn't be back till Saturday it was Tuesday. "Gotta go. I'll see you guys when I get back from my trip," Jack "bro-hugged" Jerry.

I walked out with Jack since I had a free period "Do you have to go? I don't want to deal with stupidity by myself," I said. Was I clingy, no. Well only when I was very tired or in a huggy mood. I for sure didn't want to deal with Milton and Jerry arguing or Kim yelling at them to shut up or my brother complaining about his failed dates. "It'll be Saturday before you know it," Jack booped my nose. I gave him a hug and kissed his cheek before going back into school for 4th period. 

During lunch Milton was walking around the cafeteria handing out pencils while giving a speech about running against Frank. Then Jerry came in with pizza and fro-yo saying he was also running for president. I already knew this was gonna end up in a disaster so I was working with Kim and my brother on Romeo and Juliet play at the community theater. Which I also knew was gonna be hell but it was better than politics, then Milton walked out of the locker room dressed as Abraham Lincoln. "Why are you dressed like that?" I asked. "As his campaign manager, I'm giving him a presidential makeover," Julie said. 

"Julie loaned me her grandfather's suit. Don't you think it makes me look like Abraham Lincoln?" Milton asked. "Yes, it does. But Lincoln was also one of our assassinated presidents so don't go to anything theater plays if I were you," I joked. Jack wasn't here to pinch my side for making my top notch comedy comments so I was letting it all out. "Well, Milton, I didn't plan on running against you, but I don't start something without finishing it. And I've got a campaign manager, too," Jerry said. Jerry asked Kim and she said no. Jerry asked Rudy next and Rudy used the age card. Jerry asked me and I laughed first then said I was helping Rudy with the play. That left only Eddie and boy was he excited.  


I don't even remember what happened at school, I just remember waking up and getting to school, it become a blur and then I was at the theater helping Kim paint and set of the stage for the play rehearsal. I already knew this play was gonna be funny since Bobby was Romeo, which he forced Rudy to accept as Romeo; and Joan was Juliet which Bobby also forced Rudy to accept. Bobby seemed to play the "I'm your boss" card a little too much, Rudy was also making way too many changes to the play. Romeo was a space fighter and Juliet was actually an alien clone. We also had Vic Deblaze coming to our play, he was a hard ass about criticizing plays. He trashed his own 8 year old daughter in the papers one time. 


To be honest nothing happened on Wednesday. I did get a call from Jack though, he was bored and you could hear yelling in the background. "Sounds like a grand old time over there," I joked. "Oh yeah, totally. Nothing like family fighting to get the blood pumping," Sarcasm laced his words. "That bad?" I asked. "Sorta. The fighting will stop by tomorrow when my "fun" aunt gets here," Jack said. "I got one of those. Although she ended up in a wheelchair the last reunion soo," I giggled at the memory. "I miss you," He added. I smiled "I miss you too. Feels weird not going over to your house after school," I admitted. "2 more days babe," Jack sighed. Just 2 more days of helping Rudy and then Jack should be back a little bit after the play's over. After saying good bye I saw it was 8:30 at night. So I went to bed.


Milton was now our school president and was acting like a total douche bag. Today was the last rehearsal for the play and there was a lot  of arguing going on though. "HEY!" I yelled. "Shut the hell up," I added. "This isn't about marquees, or aliens and special effects. This is community theater, it's about community," Kim stepped in. "I mean, we have to believe in each other and the material, Rudy," I said. "Maybe she's right. You know what I say? Forget Vic Deblaze, we will do this play the way it was meant to be done. We will use our raw talent to bring this show to life; and we will set the theatrical world on fire," Rudy exclaimed. Finally we got to actually rehearsing.  


FINALLY! It was Friday which meant 1. The play was tonight and then I never have to do this again. 2. Jack was getting back later and 3. My boyfriend was coming back and I get cuddles. Yes, I am a cuddles type of girl, sue me. At 3:00 the play started and it was a snooze fest, literally. Half the audience was asleep watching the play. And Lincoln- I mean Milton was up in the "president's" box watching the play. I knew this was a bad idea, when it got to the part where Romeo was at Juliet's balcony, Juliet was also asleep. "Romeo" tried poking her with his sword but that only agitated "Juliet". Then Joan ripped off her dress and underneath was her security guard uniform. Joan started beating Bobby with her baton and it took Rudy, Kim and I to get her off of Bobby. 

Then I see Frank behind Milton "Not today Frank," I said and climbed a ladder that was placed by the window. Jerry and I took on the black dragons while Milton and Julie made a run for it. After a good couple of minutes of fighting the black dragons ran off and everyone in the theater thought it was a part of the play. Bobby order pizza for us and we chilled out in the dojo.

"And then you walked in and asked what happened," Milton finished this week's recap. "Ok, so now all this makes sense...except for one thing. Eddie, why are you dressed like a mattress?" Jack asked. "Oh, I've got to get going. I've got a job handing out fliers for Ned's Beds. Later," Eddie waddled out of the dojo. We all said bye and then Jack and I headed to his house so he could unpack. "So how was the family reunion?" I asked. I plopped down on his bed "Well my cousin's are becoming little maniacs, my "fun" aunt got blacked out drunk, my uncle Tim broke his nose playing a card game, and my grandma really wants to meet you," Jack said laying next to me. 

I opened my arms and Jack decided to lay directly on top of me "Comfortable?" I joked. All I got was a "Mmhm," response from Jack. We laid there like that until Rudy called me at 6:30 telling me to get home. See you at the dojo tomorrow for practice?" I asked. "Wanna hang out at Phil's for a little bit before practice," Jack offered. "I'd like that," I smiled. We kissed goodbye and I made my short walk home. 

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