Hit the Road Jack

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Jack, Kim, and I walked into the dojo a little since we were at the nursing home. "Where have you guys been? Practice started a half-hour ago," Rudy said. "Sorry, Rudy. It's Wednesday. We volunteer at the nursing home," Jack explained. Rudy was getting wound up again because of the upcoming tournament. "Rudy relax Jack and I are ready to go for this tournament," I went to my locker. "Yeah Kim's been helping us with our spinning back-kick," Jack added. We went over to the mat and showed Rudy our spinning back-kicks. "That is perfect. You need to do exactly that tomorrow. You never know who's going to be watching you," Rudy was being vague again. 

"Are you ready for the tournament tonight?" I asked Jack as we walked down the school hallway. "100 percent," Jack smiled. "I like this. I like that I can now hold your hand  anytime I want," Jack grabbed my hand with a cheeky grin. "You are a total dork. But I like it too," I laughed. "Hang out at your place after the tournament?" I asked. "Definitely," Jack let go of my hand so I could walk into my class. After school the gang and I went straight to the Dojo to get ready for the tournament.

We were almost done with the tournament, Eddie just finished getting his orange belt and declaring he will pee standing. Which caused me to start laughing, which Jack stifled by putting his arm around my mouth pulling my head to his chest. Rudy came running over to us after Eddie left the mat and I stopped laughing "Oh, he's here, he's here, he's here!" Rudy exclaimed. "Who's here?" I asked. "Certainly not a mysterious stranger from Japan who could change our lives forever," Rudy was being cryptic again. "I'm kinda nervous. This guy I'm going up against hasn't lost in two years," Jack admitted. 

I put my hands on either side of his face so he would focus on me "Hey, you are going to win this match. I believe in you and so does Rudy and so do our friends. Now go out there and do what you do best," I smiled. I gave him a quick peck on the lips which seemed to give him a boost of confidence as he walked on the mat. It was over as quickly as it started. I ran over to Jack jumping into a hug cheering "Told you'd win. That was incredible!" I said as Jack put me down. "Be my girlfriend?" Jack blurted out. "What?" I asked. "Will you be my girlfriend?" Jack asked again. I was shocked, excited, and worried all at the same time. Shocked he wanted to go further with whatever we were. I was excited The guy I really liked wanted to be my boyfriend. Worried, about how Rudy will react.

"Yes," I said my smile never leaving my face. Jack's face went from nervous to excited so fast, his smile 2 times wider than mine. He grabbed my face and pulled me into a kiss, in the middle of the dojo. "You have just made me the happiest and luckiest man on this planet," Jack said as he rested his forehead on mine. "I think I'm the lucky one," I whispered. After a small celebration in the dojo after the tournament, Jack and I went over to his house like any other day but instead of me sitting on his bean bag chair on the floor. Jack pulled me over to his bed and wrapped me in his arms and we watched movies and cuddled until I got a text from Rudy that it was time to go home. 

As cliche as it sounds I felt like I was on top of the world. "I'm home Rudy!" I declared. "Hey! how was hanging out with Jack?" Rudy asked. "It was fun, like normal we just watched a few movies," I said as I set my stuff down. "Rudy, what would you say if I told you Jack asked me to be his girlfriend today?" I asked, sitting down next to him. I figured it would be easier to tell him now rather than wait. "Does he make you happy?" Rudy asked. "Yeah. He makes me very happy," I smiled. "Then I have no problem with you two dating as long it doesn't affect school or practice. I trust him not to hurt you," Rudy looked a little defeated. 

I walked over behind him on the couch and bent down to hug him. "Don't worry big brother, I'm not going anywhere. You'll always be the first person I run to if I'm hurt or in trouble," Rudy patted my arms and gave a small smile. "Thanks baby sister," Rudy said. 

At school the next day Jack and I were sitting by our lockers. Well Jack was sitting, I had one knee on the edge of the bench with Jack's arms around my waist  leaning into me. We were waiting for Kim to get out of class since we had a free period. "I told Rudy about us last night. I figured it would be easier to tell him myself," I looked down at Jack. "How'd that go? Did he go all protective big brother?" He asked. "No, surprisingly. He said as long as us dating didn't affect school or practice he did care. He also said he trusted you to not hurt me," I moved his hair from his eyes. "I'd willingly let myself get beaten if I ever hurt you," Jack said.

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