Indiana Eddie

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Last day of school, best day of the year. At the end of the Sophomore year, we were standing by Milton's locker when Jerry came up behind us "Last day of school. Woo! Until summer school. woo," Jerry complained. "I've gotta find a way to get my Venus Fly Trap home for the summer," Milton opened his locker. His fly trap was huge like flies weren't cutting it for food to eat. "It's just a plant, dude. Take it home," Jerry scoffed. "I've been growing it hydroponically with a synthetic photosynthesis light since the first day of school, and it's pretty huge," Milton opened his locker. "It's not even eating flies anymore. It's eating meatballs," I said. "Right. A plant that eats meatballs," Jerry scoffed again. 

The plant gave a belch and bits of meatball flew out and hit Jerry. "Yep, that's definitely a meatball," Jerry backed away from the locker. Kim walked up to us holding a piece of paper "Hey, did you guys get you end-of-the-year career evaluations from the guidance counselor?" Kim asked. "Yes, I did, and they're a joke. Mine says I'm best suited to be a farmer," Milton threw his stuff on the ground "I'm allergic to cows, terrified of hay, and seriously," Milton flipped his sweater off his shoulders "Do these shoulders look like they can hold overalls?" Milton questioned.

"I didn't even pick mine up. No one believes a word those things say," Jack said. Just then, Eddie walked up to us with his evaluation "I just got my career evaluation. I believe every word that this thing says," Eddie exclaimed. I gave Jack a pointed look, "Really?" I asked. "Yep. You're looking at a new Eddie. I'm gonna be an archaeologist, baby," Eddie exclaimed. We all looked at each other "I'll be discovering lost cities, traveling the high seas, navigating the globe. And Spanish class," Eddie left, going the wrong way. "Uh, Eddie, your Spanish class is that way," I pointed down the hall behind us. "I knew that," Eddie brushed off the slight embarrassment. 

After school we went to the dojo like normal when we saw Eddie there before us which never happened. Rudy had gone to get Eddie his hat and bullwhip from some Bobby Wasabi movie. I thought it was cool for Eddie to have something he believed in so strongly. Unfortunately I was the only one to think so in the friend group. One by one the other told Eddie he couldn't be an Archaeologist. "Maybe you guys are right. I don't know what I was thinking. Thanks anyway, Rudy, but I won't be needing that," Eddie left with his head hanging down. "Wow, guys. Never thought I'd be friends with a bunch of assholes," I scoffed. "What was that?" Rudy asked. 

The gang looked at each other confused. "I've never seen Eddie more alive, then when he was talking about being a treasure hunter. And what did you do? You told him he was destined to be an accounted," Rudy frowned. "But, Rudy, you don't understand, he thought those career evaluations were real," Jack tried. "That' doesn't matter Jack. Eddie thought they were real. But apparently that doesn't matter," I crossed my arms. "Friends build each other up. They don't tear each other down. I thought I taught you better," Rudy was disappointed. 

To make up for their mistake, the gang went out and got Eddie a geocache. Which I'll admit was nice of them but it did take some convincing but Eddie caved. 

The next day was going to be a long one that was for sure "First day of summer vacation. We should not waste not a single second doing anything we don't want to do," Jack said. I heard a course of no's. "I hope you guys know your latitude from your longitude. Because Saturday we go on a geocaching romp!" Eddie came up from behind me. "I'm sorry did you say "we"?" Kim asked. "Yes, I did 6:00 A.M. sharp. We set out to find three secret locations, and in the last one, we'll find our hidden treasure!" Eddie exclaimed. Honestly I thought it sounded fun but the rest of the gang thought otherwise. ""Sorry, Eddie. I can't. See...see... the thing is, uh, my aunt Carlita, who's a clown in the circus. She...she...she fell off an elephant! Into...into one of those tiger cage things, so I've gotta take her to her doctor's appointment," Jerry stuttered. 

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