Reality Fights

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~~Minus the glasses, dog tag, and hat~~

I walked into the dojo a little late to practice I was cleaning the apartment that need it desperately. "Hey hey hey! You kids are getting sweat on my mats! This is why we can't have nice things" Rudy scolded the guys. "Rudy calm down, you refused to clean the apartment but you'll worry about the dojo mats?" I crossed my arms. "Why are you getting so worked up?" Jack asked. "Bobby Wasabi is on his way here right now, and he's got big news" Rudy exclaimed. 

"Oh, I love his entrances. His last one was so cool," Milton reminisced. "It was not cool. If you're gonna wear a kimono and fly on a jetpack, dude put on some underpants," Jack was now leaning his elbow on my shoulder. "This time he promised his entrance isn't gonna be a big deal. He wants everything quiet and low-key," Rudy explained. Then we see Bobby enter a mobilized bathtub "Quiet and lowkey huh?" I raised an eyebrow at Rudy. "I would have been here sooner but we hit a pothole and blew out a ninja," Bobby explained.

In my personal opinion, Bobby was a great person but man was he fucked up in at least one way. "This ride is awesome," Eddy said. "I wonder if it's street legal?" Jerry asked. "It's a part hot tub, part rickshaw, and a par-tay," Bobby was very excited to explain what he was in. Bobby then went on to explain that he was hosting a reality show here in the dojo and we were all a part of it. Rudy agreed instantly because he was made show host. 

"And you'll be playing for a brand-new Kamasaki Water Rider!" Bobby says gameshow style. There was a course of "No ways" and "You're kidding" throughout the group. The next day the dojo was turned into a "cabin" like area with 6 sleeping "rooms". "Jack, Thena, Kim, Eddie, Milton, and Jerry. Only one can be the...Wasabi Warrior!" Rudy sounded a bit too excited. "I'm your host and sensei Rudy. You're about to enter a world of mental and physical challenges. Where you should always expect...the unexpected," Rudy then clicked a button and we heard a distant "BOOM!" "What was that?" Jack asked. "I just blew up my car! You didn't expect that, did you!" Rudy yelled.

We walked into the dojo to see what it had been turned into. I saw one "room with a purple curtain in between one with a red curtain and one with a pink curtain. Before anyone said anything I sprinted to the purple curtain one "Mine!" I yelled. Everyone yelled, "I call that one!" and ran to the one they wanted I was between Jack who pick the red, and Kim who pick the pink. After unpacking and changing into our gies we headed back out to the courtyard where Kim, Milton, Eddie, and I were picked to do an obstacle course. 

Milton won and was given a choice he gets lobster and we get gruel or we get lobster and he gets gruel. He chose that he gets lobster and I said a few choice words that were gonna have to be squeaked out. The next challenge was Jerry vs. Jack in a joust. Jack got a feather while Jerry got a pugil stick. Jack won since Jerry sneezed and not himself off. "Great job Jack, you won. And now you have a choice," Rudy pointed to a very disgusting-looking porta-pooper "A traveling carnival abandoned this porta-pooper. Everyone else in the dojo will have to spend 5 minutes in what we call the chamber of doom or you can spare your friends by doing the 5 minutes yourself.

Jack decided to do the 5 minutes himself and boy did that not go well. He ended up knocking the thing over which was so gross I felt so bad. That night we all voted on someone to get eliminated.~with camera crew~ "I'm voting Milton. I'm still upset about the lobster-gruel incident" I sneered~~back to everyone~~

We were sitting around a fire when Rudy started being really dramatic "This is where our game takes a little...Twist. That you couldn't possibly have seen...Coming" Bobby kept banging a gong and that irritated Rudy. "I've counted the votes. And the person voted out of the dojo is...Going home," Rudy looked between Jerry and Milton. "And that person is...One of you," He looked between Eddie and me. "Who is it? Tell me! Tell me!" Bobby was getting angsty. "It's...Jack," Rudy looked right at Jack. "What?! After what I did for you people? You stabbed me in the back?!" Jack got irritated. 

Everyone stayed outside a bit longer while Jack went inside to pack. I walked in, cautious to make sure he wasn't too angry. "If it's worth it, I voted Milton," I walked up behind him. "Doesn't matter now, I'm out," He huffed. "Knowing Rudy he'll think of a big twist and you'll be right back in," I said. "With that in mind, I'll see you tomorrow," He smirked. I gave him a hug "Tomorrow," I gave a small laugh. The next day we woke up early since the challenge was a breakfast challenge. 

"This is called The Banzai Brunch, they say revenge is a dish best served cold. That's why we've brought in a very special chef...your old friend....Jack," The "ninja" closest to the table we stood at ripped off his face cover to reveal Jack with a shit-eat grin on. "Hello, friends. I put together this menu with you in mind," Jack walked to the end of the table where Kim and I stood. "At least one of you must clean your plate or I'm back in the game," He gloated. Kim got mealworms, Eddie had cows tongue, and Milton had Panamanian dung slugs.

"Thena, sweet sweet Thena, since out of the 5 of you, you didn't vote for me but still what I have for makes me feel slightly bad," He lifted the dish cover to reveal a dead fish ~~"When I was little I had this kid who was really mean to me. Not bully type mean but would chase me around with gross things, like spiders, snakes, dead mice, and one a dead fish. He once snuck into my house while I was taking a nap and covered me in dead fish and fish guts. Since then dead fish is a no go for me"~~  "Nope, I told that secret in confidence Jack," I felt a little betrayed.

I backed up from the table where Kim pulled me into a side hug. Jerry had a saltine and couldn't do it even after eating a piece of every other plate on the table. Jack was back in the game and everyone was miserable. I stayed in my "room" for the rest of the night, I still felt a little hurt Jack used my own fear against me just to get back into the fucking game. "Are you doing ok in here?" I heard him say. "I don't want to speak to you," I didn't even look at him. "I'm really sorry about the challenge. You told me that story and I promise not to tell anyone, and instead, I used to get back into this dumb game," He sat on the end of my cot. I didn't answer him I just rolled over to face the "wall" and closed my eye to sleep hoping he would take the hint and leave.

~~Time Skip~~

The next day was the last day of the "game" and it was on my last goddamn nerve. "Time for the final challenge, When it's over, only one warrior will remain," Rudy said. "It won't be over, till the blonde's on the water rider," Kim sassed. "Welcome to the hang tough wall. The last person to drop will be presented with the title of Wasabi Warrior by Bobby Wasabi himself," Rudy explained. 6 metal pegs popped out of the wall above us.

"Grab ahold of your peg because you're about to hang tough!" Rudy yelled. Grabbing ahold of the peg above me the platform below us dropped, leaving us hanging there in the air. We were soon pelted with tennis balls. Jack and the others started fighting and I got enough of it "WILL YOU PLEASE SHUT THE FUCK UP!" I yelled. "I have had it with all of you, I knew my gut feeling about this show was a terrible idea, and look where it's got us! We can't stand each other and by looking up we're about to be covered in something gross so I'm out," I finished my little rant and dropped down before I was covered in god knows what.

Eddie won. He had been playing innocent the whole time, which didn't really surprise me. I was the first one to be packed up and out not really giving any of them a chance to speak to me. I know I sound like a bitch right now but back home my mother and father would constantly bicker over the stupidest things in life. So the fighting and arguing between my friends wasn't something I wanted to listen to or be around.

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