Oh, Christmas Nuts!

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That time of year. Christmas. Where I can drink as much hot chocolate as I want with out being judged. Kim and Eddie were put in charge of decorating the dojo window this year, usually I do it but this year I was volunteering at a children's hospital to bring some Christmas joy to the kids. "Kim, you sure we shouldn't ask Rudy to help us decorate the dojo window for Christmas?" Eddie asked. "Trust me Eddie, my brother doesn't know how to decorate. I had to fight him over him trying to put a toilet seat on our apartment door as a wreath," I explained. As if I said "Beetlejuice" three times, Rudy walked out of the bath with a green toilet with a red present bow at the bottom.

"Look what I did. I made this beautiful wreath out of our toilet seat," Rudy laughed. I looked at Eddie "See what I mean. Rudy we are not putting that on the door of the dojo people will not come into the dojo!" I yelled after my brother. After fighting my brother AGAIN over putting the toilet seat on the front door of the dojo we came to the agreement that he could put it on his office door. And when we got done doing that Joan came into the dojo dragging Jerry by the ear "Come on. Get in here," Joan said. Jerry groaned "Tell them what you did, you," Joan demanded. 

Jerry groaned again and turned to us "I accidentally used my dad's pressure washer to get rid of the line people in front of the electronic store," Jerry explained. "He blew some nerd right out of his loafers," Joan said. Then she laughed to herself saying "Nerds,". I rolled my eyes "So, did you get the Road Demon or not?" Jack asked. "No. They didn't have any left," Jerry said. They sighed, "What's a Road Demon?" I asked. "Only the hottest Christmas present this year," Milton said. To be honest I already knew what it was but Jack didn't need to know that. "It's a high-tech, remote-controlled, futuristic combat tank," Jerry explained. 

The boys started to talk over each other about the "What ifs" if they don't get the toy. "Your turn brother I have to get to the children's hospital," I said to Rudy. I kissed Jack on the cheek before leaving. Getting to the hospital and changing I was doing my rounds with this little girl who's become attached to me since I started a week ago. He name was Daisy, she's this little 5 year old ball of sunshine. The sad thing was Daisy was in the hospital because she had Congenital cardiomegaly; meaning her heart was to big for her body. She was on a waiting list for a transplant, it was sad but that was the point of my job to, create happiness. "Ok Daisy you ready to head back to your room?" I asked. 

She looked up to me "Do you think we could got to the garden before going back?" She asked. "Of course! Come on," I held out my hand for her. Her little hand wrapped around my fingers and we headed off to the garden "So what does Miss. Daisy wish for Christmas?" I asked. "To go home. I don't my mommy to be sad anymore," She said. My heart dropped, "You know, Santa is a friend of mine. I think I can slipped that into his To-Do list," I whispered. Her eyes went big with hope and happiness "Really?" She asked. "Oh definitely. He gonna know all about how good you've been and all the wonderful things you've done," I said. 

She giggled and then yawned. "I think it's time for someone to get back to her room," I said picking her up "I love you Thena Beana," She said quietly. Thena Beana was the nickname she gave me last week about two days into my volunteering and I thought it was funny. "I love you too Flower," I whispered.  As I was leaving her room her mom was outside the door, she had heard the conversation "Thank you," was all she said. She pulled me into a tight hug and I could feel something wet on my shoulder "She talks about you a lot. Says she wants to learn karate when she gets out of here," Her mom told me. 

"My brother owns a dojo here in Seaford, it's not the best best if you want to look into it. I have had a blast there, I've made friends and memories there that I am forever grateful for," I explained. "I'll look into. Hearing about karate has given her a light in her eyes we haven't seen in a while," She said. I smiled and said goodbye to her, I ran into Daisy's doctor on my way out "Is there any chance she's getting out of here anytime soon?" I ask. "Actually, she should be out of here by the end of this month, I was just about to go inform her mother," He said and left. By the time I got back to the dojo my face was hurting from a smile that never left my face. 

But it didn't last that much longer when I walked into the dojo to see everyone looking like they got beat up "What happened here?" I asked. "Got into a fight with evil Santa and his evil elves," Rudy said. "Makes sense for this group," I said and sat down next to Jack who immediately put his head in my lap. "Hi," I said. "Hi," Jack said. We all hung out at the dojo for a few hours before we all went home but I don't think Jack wanted to go yet "Jack you know we have to go now we. have this thing tomorrow, it's called school," I said try to get him off my lap. But instead he wrapped his arms around my legs "No," He said. "Little help," I looked at the others, and they did nothing "Some friends," I mumbled. 

I tried to pry his arms from my legs but that ended with my arms becoming trapped. "Come on, babe you'll see me tomorrow," I reasoned. "Yeah but it won't be till after school that I can be like this again sooo, give me five more minutes," Jack mumbled into my thigh. "Someone got a timer?" I asked. Kim pulled her phone out and started one, "Thank you," I said. And after the timer went off it still took Rudy, Kim, Eddie, and Bobby to get him to let go of me. "Merry Christmas guys," I said. 

~Sorry if this seems short~

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