24- a thousand bullets

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I haven't been focusing much on Hanmu for the past few oneshots so here's something to make up that gap.

Also gimme ideas I'm running on an empty tank of inspiration here.


"We're all stationed around the exits," Oh Dongjae's voice reported. "If they try to run, we'll catch them."

"Good," Lee Kangmu said back into the radio. "Stand by. We're going in."

He clipped the radio back to his belt and gestured over his shoulder to Jang Hanna and two other agents that the coast was clear. Weapons in hand, they crept forward, keeping low and behind some crates as they approached the entrance to the warehouse a gang of illegal smugglers had been using to store all manners of banned weaponry, drugs, and black market items, along where a few spies had allegedly been harbored.

It was the middle of the night, and everything was quiet.

A little too quiet.

Hanna gripped the handle of her favorite revolver tight as she followed Kangmu to the main door of the old run-down warehouse.

"Why haven't we seen anyone?" She whispered to him. "Did they know we were coming and already flee?"

"Shh," Kangmu hissed as he pried open the lockbox for the door, typing in the entry code intel had gotten them. With a beep, the screen glowed green and the garage-like door rose up, breaking the silence of the night with loud, rusty groans and screeches.

The four agents jumped in front of the open gate, pointing their weapons into the dark storage house.

Nothing happened, except for the team hearing the little chitter of a mouse.

Hanna frowned. "No one's here."

She started forward, but Kangmu put his arm out to stop her. He pointed down at the ground, where a thin trip wire lay stretched taut a few inches above the ground. Hanna froze before taking a step backwards. She cocked her gun, sweeping her arm to point it across the whole warehouse.

"I know someone's in there," she called. "Surrender. You're outnumbered."

The click of another gun being primed was heard, although it wasn't any of the agents'. Kangmu spotted a glint of metal reflecting the moonlight.


He swiftly tackled her out of the way as a shot rang out. A bullet embedded itself into the concrete behind them. If Hanna had still been standing there, it would have gone through her head.

The two other agents returned fire, ducking behind a few stacked crates for cover. Bullets flew out from inside the warehouse. Kangmu and Hanna scrambled to hide behind a couple wooden barrels. Hanna peeked out from their cover to fire a shot into the darkness.

"We need backup at the main entrance," Kangmu said into his radio.

"Copy that. On our way," Dongjae's voice said.

Kangmu pushed a barrel aside to create a small opening which he could shoot through. His shots were returned, and the barrel splintered into pieces after taking several bullets. Kangmu pushed Hanna behind him, shielding her with his body. A bullet lodged itself into the side of his leg, just above his knee.

"Kangmu!" Hanna shouted, hearing the sound of him being struck. Blood sputtered out of the wound as she grabbed him and hauled him behind the remaining intact barrels and crates.

Kangmu gritted his teeth as he forced himself to remain sitting up. The pain radiated in white-hot spikes through his body.

"I'm... I'm fine."

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