59- incorrect quotes 7 (not a oneshot)

197 9 13

Yeongro: *wakes up* I'M LATE FOR SCHOOL!

Yeongro: oh wait I graduated already *lays back down*

Yeongro: *bolts up again* I'M THE TEACHER-


Pi: whoever makes Shin Gyeongja sleep will get twenty dollars

Bunok: *grabs a frying pan* where is she?

Gyeongja: hide me I'm scared...


Gwangtae: it's not illegal.

Cop: *staring at his open trunk filled with tangerines* but there's so many...

Gwangtae: but it's not illegal *drives away in swag*


Dongjae: today I was looking for my flashlight using the light from my flashlight.

Seungjun: haha you're a loser.

Seungjun: so where was it?


Hanna: is four a lot?

Sooho: depends on the context.

Sooho: dollars, no. Murders, yes.


Gyeonghui: do I have to repeat myself?

Hanna: no, I ignored you just fine the first time.


Yeongro: where have you been???

Sooho: asleep.

Yeongro: for three years??

Sooho: yes.


Hyeryeong: yes I looked both ways before crossing the street.

Hyeryeong: I looked both gorgeous and radiant.

Hyeryeong: and then I got hit by a car.


Gyeokchan: dear math, go buy a calculator and solve your own problems. I am a spy, not a therapist.


Eungcheol: vampires suck your blood to get vitamin D because they can't go out themselves and get it from the sun. Ever thought about that? No, because you only think of yourself.


Kangmu: I locked myself out of our house, what should I do?

Hanna: talk to the lock very slowly and calmly.

Kangmu: how is that—

Hanna: because communication is key.

Kangmu: ...


Ilgeun: *hands Hanna a note*

Hanna: what's this?

Ilgeun: a request for you not to be a bitch today.

Hanna: very funny, request denied.


[Sooho and Eungcheol sitting in jail]

Sooho: so who should we call?

Eungcheol: I'd call Gyeokchan hyung but I feel safer in jail.

Love is Stronger than Blood (Snowdrop Oneshots)Where stories live. Discover now