46- "dak-cho, timjangnim"

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Here's me officially thinking about it

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Here's me officially thinking about it.

Not the last part but still.

Set six years before the events of Snowdrop.


"Lee Kangmu timjangnim," Min Jinseong said, holding out his hand to shake the agent's. "It's nice to see you again."

"Likewise," Kangmu said, but he only half-registered Jinseong's words. He'd just landed in Berlin, and Jinseong was there to take him to the German chapter of the ANSP.

While Kangmu had always wanted to visit Germany, he never imagined that he'd be here under these circumstances— practically forced out of Korea by the father of his fiancée. He didn't even get to say goodbye to Jang Hanna. She was all he'd been thinking about since he left his apartment in Seoul. He didn't even know if she knew he was gone yet, but she'd find out eventually. He couldn't imagine how she'd feel once she did. Kangmu hadn't even been gone for a day, and he already missed Hanna more than he thought it was possible to miss someone.

Jinseong led Kangmu to his car. Kangmu shook his head, trying to clear his thoughts. Hanna was a part of his old life. He couldn't afford to dwell on the past, but at the same time he couldn't force himself to forget it. Hanging on a black cord around Kangmu's neck was a small silver locket containing his favorite picture of Hanna. It was hidden under his shirt, but during the long flight from Seoul Kangmu had pulled it out several times to just stare at the black-and-white printed face of the girl who'd captured his heart and still held it, even though she was now a continent away.

It was a quick drive to the Berlin headquarters. The bottom few floors were simple offices, but Jinseong opened a hidden panel in the elevator, typing a code into the little black box hidden beneath. The panel swung open, revealing a button to the ninth floor of the building. Jinseong pressed it, and the elevator began to move before he shut the panel.

Kangmu raised an eyebrow. "We don't have those in Korea."

Jinseong chuckled. "I think you'll find there's more than a few things these Germans do differently."

The elevator doors slid open, revealing a checkpoint with two agents guarding the gate into the rest of the headquarters. Jinseong showed them his ID, but one of the agents stopped Kangmu when he produced his.

"You're from a different chapter?" he asked.

Kangmu looked down at the yellow card with his name and picture. "How can you tell?"

"Yours doesn't have your German name," Jinseong noticed. "We'll have to get you a new one."

The two guards buzzed Jinseong and Kangmu inside. The space was about the same size as the headquarters in Seoul, though all the desks and tables were pushed against the wall, with a few clustered in the middle. Computer operators sat with their monitors by the windows, while a few agents were looking over a map on the central tables. All stood and saluted or bowed to Jinseong as he passed.

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