Sore boobs

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"You've still got Finding Nemo on DVD?" He asked amused, taking the DVD out of the pile of movies you were cleaning. "Yeah like daah it's the best movie ever." You exclaimed in a snobby tone not wanting him to throw it out. "Do we really have to keep it?" He asked in a mocked tone. "I'll just collect dust." "I don't care it's my favourite Disney movie, we can't just throw it out." You said in a serious tone, but it was soon replaced with a giggle. Looking each other in the eyes Michael finally gave in and let you keep the movie. Reaching out with his arm, to put the DVD in the pile with "Keeping" He hit your right boob with his arm. A squeal left your mouth and you looked at Michael wide eyed. Letting his arms up in surrender he let out a "What did I do now." And you broke into a fist of giggles. "Sore boobs. Properly close to my period I think." You said. "Oh great just what I needed." He moaned and you smacked his arm.

Michael Clifford imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now