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Well babes as of Friday June 10th of 2016 I am now a junior in high school! Gosh I feel so old 😅 anyways I hoe everyone has a great summer and I will try to update as much as possible! I'll try to update in 2 weeks cause I'm going to a family reunion, hopefully I am. Anyways I love you all have a great summer and wish me luck I get my license in 2 weeks also😆😅 anywho here's a imagine for your pleasure!

Credit to sortofsad

5sos horoscopes: which boy jacks off to the thought of you

aries: michael

taurus: luke

gemini: calum

cancer: michael

leo: calum

virgo: ashton

libra: calum

scorpio: luke

sagittarius: michael

capricorn: ashton

aquarius: calum

pisces: michael

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