Brothers best friends pt. 3

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Your whole living room had basically turned into a nightclub, the lights dimmed with different colored lights everywhere, sweaty people dancing around to the beat of the music with alcohol in their hands, and not only there, but also around the floor making it sticky as fuck, to be honest you never thought and couldn't believe how Y/B/N had managed to fill so many people in your house. And they weren't just in your living room, they were spread all over the place, making it a hard time trying to avoid every possible thing. As you had told Y/B/N, the only place you didn't want to see or allow people to be in was your room. And with that, you got the reason to just stay in your room and sit in front of your laptop doing absolutely nothing but streaming through the chrome browsers, listening to the many sounds of people walking outside your hallway, outside in the garden and under stairs, the bass of the music blasting through and making the whole house almost shaking with adrenaline. In reality, parties were never your thing, and Y/B/N knew it. So as long as you didn't say a thing to your dad, he would accept and make sure that nobody got near you or anything got broken. A yawn escaped your lips, your eyelids heavy as you turned your head to look at the alarm clock behind you on your nightstand, the time striking past 3AM, and it didn't seem to be any less relaxed downstairs. Removing your laptop from your mattress, you placed it on the floor before starting to collect your hair into a bun, but before you could wrap the elastic band around your head a loud bang against your door with the door handle pressed down, making your eyes go wide and hands letting go of your hair in shock. In one swift movement, your small form had left the bed, walking towards the door and pressing the handle up before unlocking the door and opening it, a, what you could point as a very drunk Michael whose head that had connected with your feet as the door that had before supported his body now being moved away from him. "What the fuck Michael?" You exclaimed, grabbing him by the shoulders before lifting him up to his feet, following him over to your bed before he collapsed onto it, a giggle escaping from his lips. "What are you doing here?" Walking back to the door, you shut it close and locked it again, watching Michael with a skeptical expression, taking a seat next to his drunken form on the mattress. "I wanted to sleep. But all the mattresses were taken. And it stinks of puke in the bathroom so I couldn't sleep in the bathtub." A disgusted look came across your face by the mention of puke, rolling your eyes afterwards and grabbing your duvet, placing it over Michael's body before your own. "Fine." You mumbled, reaching out to turn off the lamp and laying your head on the pillow. Michael mumbled out a few drunken slurs before he moved his body up towards the pillow next to yours, placing his head on it and letting out a satisfied sigh. Your body was lying tense next to his and when he all of the sudden dragged an arm around your waist, your eyes instantly widened, not knowing how to handle the situation. "You're a hot mess Y/N. I just wanted to point it out." He slurred before placing a wet kiss to your bare shoulder before his head connected back to the pillow, his breathing starting to get deeper and deeper.

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