Baby? Pt 2

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We walk Into the studio. And I carry some of the pizzas to cover my face. I walk In a lounge area and hear "guys really you made the girl hold the pizzas. Here let me help you there" I hear Michael say and I hear him walk towards me. He takes the pizzas and sees who I am and hurries and sets the pizzas down "y/n omg!" He says picking me and spinning me around. I lean down and kiss him and we stand there kissing. "Huh huh! I want to see my sister too you know" ashton says. We pull away and I rush over to ashton and hug him. "Why are you here baby sis" "I wanted to suprise you guys for the week and stay with you" "your staying the whole week?" "Yup" I say smiling. Michael pulls me down into the couch with him and then I see the pizza I got. There is a note on top that says "for Michael ❤️" he sees it and pulls it over to him. I'm sweating I'm so nervous! He opens it and reads it "your pregnant!" He squeals And hugs me tight. "Your pregnant how far long?" "3 months" "3 months! That far long already!" "Yeah!" "Awe baby, we are having a baby!" "Congrats little sis!" I hear ashton say and he hugs me "thanks for not being mad, bro" " why would I be mad? I mean your still young but that's your choice and I'm going to be a uncle!" He says very excited. "Congrats you too" they all say. Michael puts his hands over my stomach and says "hey there baby, it's daddy here, I can't wait to meet you!" He says then kisses my stomach. "One big happy family" "I love you y/n so so much and I can't wait to have this family with you!" Michael says. "I love you too mikey"

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