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You have wanted a puppy for ages! And Michael is away on tour, so you need something to keep u company. You went to pet smart! And saw all the little puppies. So freakin cute!☺️ you have always wanted a husky! And your just in luck!

"Hey babe!" You say happily on FaceTime. "Hey baby girl!" He says happily back. "Guess what!" "What!" "I got a puppy" "y/n you know how I feel" "babe just look!" "Okay" "daisy!" I yell. And here she comes! 🐶🐶 she's so cute! I pick her up and say "michael meet daisy, daisy this is daddy!" "Awe she's adorable babe!" "Told you!" 😍 I love this little fur ball. We talk a while and he can't wait to meet daisy when he gets home!

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