Brothers best friend pt.2

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A party? You can't be serious." You scoffed shaking your head at your brother as the both of you stood in the kitchen. "But I am. " He mumbled bowing down go grab out plastic cups from the cardboard. "Since when did dad allow-" "He didn't. That's the reason why I need you to shut up. If you keep quiet about it, I'll let you join." He explained looking at you curiously. You have him a "You must me crazy glare" before nodding your head, swallowing the lump in your throat. "Good." He cheered, giving you a kiss to your temple. "But.. Where is dad?" You asked puzzled eyeing him as he took all of his stuff into the living room. "He's at some business weekend thingy, you know. He's not home before Monday so we'll get plenty of time to clean afterwards." He grabbed your dinner table as he spoke pushing it forward so it stood against the wall. "And where's Michael?" You asked looking around curiously for the blue haired boy. Your brother pointed towards the stairs quietly making you raise an eyebrow, looking up and hearing the faint sound of the shower running. "Oh." Was the only thing you said before nodding your head and walking back towards your bedroom, ready to find something appropriate for the party.

Michael Clifford imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now