Stealing the bed covers

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Darkness. That was the only thing that seemed to surround you and no matter what, no matter how much you ran, no matter how much you yelled, you couldn't get away. Everything you would see some source of light it would disappear just as soon as you laid your eyes on it and it was a complete nightmare, you couldn't get away. Everything seemed so realistic that you didn't even register the poking that kept on being repeated on your shoulder. When the poking was enough for you that was when you opened your eyes in shock, noticing how Michael was already starting at you wide eyed. "Man, that dream was so realistic." You said, holding a hand in front of your chest. "What do you want?" You asked, cocking your head and referring to his poking. "Well one thing was to get you out of the nightmare. The second thing.. How about you take a look around the bed." Your eyes adverted down to the bed which made you notice how Michael was lying next to you, only in his boxers, without any covers. Your eyes adverted down to yourself where you were the only one under the cover, a feeling of guilt hitting you. "I'm sorry Mikey, I didn't even know." You reached out for Michael to get some of the covers as well, a small giggle escaping his lips. "Doesn't matter, I'm just happy your nightmare is over." He sighed into your shoulder and spooned you from behind, tightening his arm around you to make sure that you felt safe before falling into sleep again.

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