Brothers best friend pt.1

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"Y/N do you know where dad is?" Y/B/N asked as he heard your footsteps in the kitchen making you cock an eyebrow instantly. "No?" You asked in a question walking over to the cabinet to grab a glass. "He should be home by now. I just wanted to tell him that Michael's gonna stay for the night." He explained and you gave Michael a nod as you noticed him next to Y/B/N, his lilac hair shining. He smiled back at you before turning his head back to the screen. "Haven't you thought of calling him?" You asked, not really caring about an answer as you poured some lemon juice into the glass. "Not really. Too lazy." He laughed as he pressed his fingers different places on the controller. He let out a groan as Michael beat him in the game, Michael raising his arms in victory, Y/B/N shaking his head at him as Michael gave him a triumph smirk. "Oh and Y/N?" Y/B/N yelled again, looking back slightly. "What?" You mocked giving him an annoyed look. "Make us some sandwiches. Michael and I are hungry." He gave you a smile which you returned fake before he turned his head back to the screen. Opening the fridge you grabbed some cheese, ham and some bread from one of the drawers before walking over to the couch, standing with the groceries above Y/B/N's head, letting it fall. "What the fuck Y/N?" He almost yelled, looking up at you as he collected the things in his lap. "Well you said you wanted sandwiches. Go make it yourself bro." You smiled. "Nice attitude." Michael commented with a smirk making you shrug. "He deserves it." You said glaring down at your brother before turning on your heel, heading towards your room again. "She's some of a girl." Michael commented taking a look back at where you had just shut your door. "It can be a pain in the ass sometimes." Your brother mumbled making Michael laugh as he started a new game on the ps4.

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