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Hello everyone thank you all so much so the 70k+ reads it's such a blessing to know so many people read my writings and other peoples that I give all credit for! If y'all have other interest such as jc Caylen and kian lawley I have jc imagines on my account darknight795 also if y'all are like me and love stranger things I posted some imagines up also just got check them out! Anyways I love you all and I'm so excited to start 2018 out the right way by doing what I love and that's writing! I know I haven't really wrote in a while on here but that's cause I've been busy writing my own things on Google docs. But anyways here you a short imagine for Michael!

New Year's Eve...
Y/n p.o.v

It's New Year's Eve and I'm freaking out. Michael my best friend promised me to kiss me on the next New Year's Eve and that been almost a year. He's currently dating Chrystal and she's great but he promised me something before they were officially dating out in the world. But idk I've been hanging out with Ashton he was my first beat friend out of the group so maybe he'll be my New Years kiss💋...
"Hey" I hear from behind me. I look and it's Ashton "hey" I say back we hug and greet each-other it's been a little while since I saw everyone. I stayed home for the holidays in Australia. They invited me out but I denied. "So have you talked to Michael?" Ashton asks. "No why?" I ask concerned "the kiss he promised you" "oh no, if he don't remember then it wasn't important" "y/n why do u do that you make me feel bad how about this if he doesn't remember by 11:50 I will be your kiss" "okay thanks Ashton"... it's 11:50 and Michael is all up on his gf I guess that's alright if I have Ashton. It hurts me because I've been in love with him since before they were famous. But whatever he don't feel the same clearly... "2 minutes!" I hear someone say. Me and Ashton get close. "It's almost time" "yes it is" I say... "15,14,13" I hear the countdown and all the sudden someone grabs me and kisses me when it hits 1 second to go. I pull away and see it's Michael. "You remembered" I say. "Wouldn't miss it for the world" he says in a grin. There he goes making me love him more...

Michael Clifford imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now