Where your from (4/4)

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Michael: your from Ireland, originally from the US but you moved to Ireland to be with family when you turned 10.

Ashton: your from the Bahamas, you've lived here since your were born and love it!

Calum: your from the Romania, you love it, when 5sos toured world they stopped there and that's how you 2 met.

Luke: you live in Japan, studying the culture. Your originally from Townsville in Australia. You met when 5sos stayed there for a little while. 

A/n: sorry I haven't really updated lately as much as I used to. I'll try to do it more often. I love you all so much! My goal is 1000 votes! Please help me get to my goal! Anyways I hope you've had a great day to you gorgeous people! I Love you baby😘hehe

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