Pt4 you loose touch

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It's been 2 days since I talked to Michael and he still hasn't proved he cares... I guess he really don't care. I'm laying on the couch currently watching friends cause I can ☺️ fav show 🤗 anyways it's about 8:46am and I couldn't sleep so why not watch Netflix. Anyways...
2 hours later...
I'm still watching friends when I hear a knock on the door. Ugh I get up and open the door to a ups ( or fed ex guy which ever)guy and see he has s huge fucking box with him. "Y/f/n y/l/n?" " thats me" "I have a very large package for you" "I see that, you can put it in my living room" he wheels it in and puts it behind my couch. And walks out. I shut the door and I am so confused to what it is. Hmmmmm I see a note attached so I take it off and open it up and see it says "I know this might not be much but I hope this helps you understand I care - Michael G. Clifford❤️" awe I try to open the box and when I finally get it open I see one of those 6 foot tall teddy bears in it. "OMG he got me a bear" then I hear "not only a bear but I got your best friend" then I see Michael Come out of the box holding my bear. I go over to Michael and he drops my bear and I jump into his arms "I got my best friend back" "yes you did and for now on your coming with me on tour" "really?" My face lights up 😄 "yes baby girl" "yay!"
I'm so glad I got my best friend back who later became my boyfriend, then husband, then the father of my children🙂☺️😘💍👰🏼👫💏👨‍👩‍👧‍👦

The end of lost connection

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