Crying game pt2

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Michael Clifford a boy that was broken but eventually picked up. He's been in here a while and he's been through a lot and he's helping me he's my hero. You see they call it the crying game because everyone looses there soul. Michael lost his 3 months ago and has a new one, it's been with him for 2. See the place we are in is a mad house! We all (depressed people) have to take a pill called soul keeper. It takes your soul and renews it. It can take a while to do it to. Took Michael 1 month to get is back. He's better now and he's the same he was before just happier and has no bad thoughts. Me the other hand I haven't started my meds yet and the thing is I'm scared to. They lock you up for a week because I've heard it's hell! The pill cleans out your whole body! It goes in and first it makes you puke up everything you've ate or it comes out the other end 🙊 gross. Anyways I'm scared for that day to come....

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