Pt3 you loose touch

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3 months later
"Ugh" *ring* *ring* *ring* I dong even bother to look at the caller ID I just answer "hello" "OMG y/n you answered" "Um who is this?" Not recognizing the voice "it's Michael" "oh hi" "how are you" "I'm just peachy thanks" "y/n what's wrong" "you left me with nothing Michael"

"What do u mean" "oh it's not like you just left me and never came back" "y/n you know I'm on tour" "Michael you've been on your almost a year" "yeah" "and half of that time you have ignored me, you even changed your number" "I'm sorry I had to" "of course you did" "don't get an attitude with me missy" "who do u think you talking to!" Now yelling "I'm talking to my best friend" "oh who's that cause last I checked you were all over some brown haired bitch"(I'm making that up FYI) "what I haven't been with anyone" "yes you have you dick" "she's my manager you bitch" "me the bitch please all I've been lately is depressed" "what?" Acting concerned "I'm depressed Michael like you care anyways your half way across the world" "y/n I care" "prove it"

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