Pretty little liars

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"Whoa what's going on in here?" Luke asked as he came in through the door from the kitchen, a bowl with popcorn in his hand. Looking up at Luke you shrugged before turning your attention back to the TV. "He was talking too much." You laughed, looking over at Michael, himself trying to struggle out from your grip, his mouth filled with his own sock. Spitting the sock out from his mouth, Michael looked over at Luke in fear. "Run before it's too late." Michael yelled, making you laugh even more, taking the controller in your hand, pressing pause. "What are you watching?" Luke asked in confusion, seeing the paused screen - a girl with chocolate darken hair sitting in a bed next to a redheaded one. "Pretty Little Liars." Michael said in fake excitement, making you roll his eyes at him. "And what's wrong talking whilst-" "Don't you even say it Hemmings." Michael warned the blond haired boy, making Luke let his hands fall op in surrender. "You just don't talk whilst watching this. Especially if you're sitting with her." Michael explained looking over at you, yourself nodding your head. "But if you knew that why did you-" "I asked her for a blanket." Michael interrupted again, making you giggle saliency to yourself, reaching out for the black blanket lying behind you, throwing it towards Michaels head. "You just don't talk whilst watching this." You smiled, removing yourself from sitting onto Michael's stomach, himself letting out a deep breath. "Gosh Y/N I didn't thought you were so dominant." Luke mumbled, giving you a wink before he walked out from the living room.

Michael Clifford imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now