Naughty list

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Credit goes to imaginesof5sos on tumblr!

imagines of 5sos

When Michael had finally arrived home from his last stretch of touring he was expecting his fiance to be cooking dinner and ready to spend the next two days cuddled up in bed with Netflix and take away. Not little people sat in his living room and his future sister-in-law in the kitchen.

Michael closed the door gently, toeing off his boots and dropping his two duffel bags by the door. The two kids in the living room perked up at the sound and came running at him, yelling and cheering at his arrival. He hugged his almost nephews before shoving them off to greet you in the kitchen."Michael!" You yelled, dropping the spoon you were holding into the pot and charging in for a hug. He held you tightly and kissed your forehead."Hi Michael." Your sister said, waving slightly.The lot of you spent the rest of the night hanging out, letting Michael retell the appropriate tour stories and just relaxing together. When everyone finally went to bed, Michael asked the question that had been bugging him since he walked in the door."Why are there little people here?" He asked as the two of you got ready for bed."My sister showed up at the door with the boys a few days ago as a surprise for Christmas. I was going to call but I got caught up with them and I didn't think. If you want them to go, she said it's no problem to go to my parents." You said, crawling into bed."Nah, it's no big deal really," Michael shrugs, flipping the lights off. "There's just a 90% chance one of your Christmas presents has handcuffs." He snickers."Michael!" You yelped, slapping his arm."What! I didn't know there would be little people in my house on Christmas!" He laughed.

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