The girl without a heart!

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I'm trying to get reads , do u love Michael clifford like I do! Read my story the girl without a heart! It's on my profile!

It's about a girl named Adaline Brooks. She was born without a heart and she can't feel pain, what do ever. She don't even have the tubes for a heart! What happens when she is offered a heart? Will she take it or diss it. Her new friends are the 5sos boys and they are in the journey with her. What does Michael think of all of this? He has a heart problem too, what will he think of Adaline and her heart issue? Read to find out!

Love you all😍😍😍😘😘😘 thank you for getting me so far! Babes I met a girl that's going to the same concert!!!! Can't wait! 9•9•15

Love y'all have a nice day!

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