Tickle fight

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"God you suck at this." You commented as you watched Michael failing for the probably the fifth time in his game, himself letting out uncontrolled groan throwing the controller over the other end of the couch. He looked back at you to see you sending him an uncontrolled smirk, knowing that it would get on his nerves. "Like you could do it better." He mocked, grabbing the remote turning off the TV. "Maybe not. But that doesn't take it back that you suck." You smiled and he looked back at you irritated before a smirk came upon his lips. "Sounds like someone needs a little trip down the ticklish road." He smiled before standing up from the couch, heading towards you sitting on the other couch. "What do you- Oh shit." You snapped, standing up instantly knowing what he was hinting as he was lifting his fingers in the air, wiggling them. "No please Michael don't." You pleaded, standing up from the couch before he could pin you too it. "Hmm.. No." He smiled, before sprinting towards you, trying to catch you but you were too fast for him, already turning around the couch. "Catch me if you can." You yelled running around in circles around the couches, Michael right behind you as the both of you were running in each other's heals, and Michael determined to catch you. A sudden bump from your hip made you fall to the ground as you had run into the backside of the couch, your back hitting the ground before Michael ran over to you, almost collapsing on you. You let out a huff as he sat himself a little further down your stomach. "Don't you even dare Clifford." You warned with big eyes but they changed into squeezed once as your laugher started to fill the living room, Michael starting to smile himself by his actions. "Michael it- it's inappropriate to tickle someone in the armpit." You laughed trying to pry his fingers away from your armpits but the boy wouldn't bug. "Not if you ask me." He laughed continued his actions. Your legs were jolting up and down, Michael's smirk never leaving his lips, "Say that I don't suck at video games." He demanded making you only shake your head. "Never." You said through breaths and giggles. "Fine by me." He shrugged not stopping. But it didn't take long for you to let out small shouts saying "Okay okay." He stopped his actions looking at you with a smile playing on his lips. "You don't such at video games." You gave in and he let out a small giggle before placing his lips on your panting ones, taking the breath away from you again.

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