Baby shower pt2

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Baby shower pt2

Everyone is going everywhere omg I need to get out here "Michael!" "I'm coming babe! Hang on just a second" "I kind of can't really hang on much longer here, I'm kind of having your kid!" I yell not meaning to but OMG this is going to hurt like a bitch! I can't believe it! Why today out of all days does This have to happen to me ! Oh well at least I got through half of the baby shower right😁? Michael rushes to me and picks me up carrying me out the door! Everyone is waiting at the door holding it open! Oh the joy of this😐 he sits me down in the car and I just sit in the back! "OMG aghh!" "What is it baby?" "Contraction" "already wow! Just hold on baby we're almost there" I hold on while rubbing my stomach. I keep track of how far apart the contractions are. I'm so glad I have Michael with me. We pull up to the hospital and Michael rushes inside and gets a nurse who gets you a wheelchair. Michael places you carefully into the chair and the nurses wait until Michael gets your bags. "Okay good go doc GO!" Michael says In a hurry. She rushes you to your room and tell you what to do and Michael helps you get into your gown. He helps you and then he places you down on the bed. "Baby I'll be beside you the whole time" I smile and look up at him. "Hello y/n I'm just going to check how dilated you are?" "Okay" she does what she needs to and wow that's a weird felling. "Y/n you are 3 inches dilated only 7 more inches" "okay thanks doctor"

2 hours later.,.
"Baby, I'm so proud of you, you came this far, you can do it" "DONT TELL ME THAT, YOU DID THIS TO ME MICHAEL! THIS HURTS SO BAD, WHY DID YOU HAVE TO GET ME PREGNANT!" "Baby calm down" "OUCH!" "Okay y/n it time for you to start to push" I grab ahold of Michael's hand and he says "push baby" he gives me a quick kiss on the lips and I start to push"agh" I scream omg my vagina is stretched out a mile 😳😦 this hurts so fucking bad. "Keep going I can see the head" I keep pushing and screaming. You don't know pain until child birth. Then I hear crying. Awe 1 of my babies. "Congratulations it's a boy mr and mrs Clifford, and here comes the other" I push a few more times and here comes by baby girl "congratulations it's a girl mr and mrs" "awe my babies" I look over at Michael who is crying "there so beautiful" he says while they have him the baby boy. They clean me up and the babies. Michael helps and he lays in bed beside me. I he holds both of the babies and we get a picture. The baby boy has his blonde hair and eyes and the little girl has your eyes and hair. That's all you notice when your eyes close.

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