Wrap it

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Christmas Calendar - Day 21
Day 21 - Wrap it

Michael imagine

From the tumblr account Mikeysprinzez

"Michael" you say your boyfriend's name strictly, "Either you wrap it all up or you won't get any"

"But Y/N-" Michael whines.

"No 'buts'" you cut him off, "You have to decide if you're going to be a good boy now or not"

"Uhhh can't you just do it for me?" Michael suggests, "Pretty please?"

"No" you simply reply, "Just do your job or else I won't give you any as I said"

"Fiiine" Michael sighs loudly as a child, before getting up from the couch and sit down on the floor to help you wrap up his part of the Christmas presents you two bought a few days ago. You promised to bake him the cookies he loves so much if he helps you out.

"I'm glad you finally decided to help out" you giggle and ruffle his red hair.

"I'm not doing it for you or the people who's going to get these things..." Michael mutters, "But for the sweet cookies"

You just laugh and give him his part of the many both big and small things you bought, the red wrapping paper with snowflakes on and everything else he needs to fulfill his job.

"Who's this one for again?" Michael suddenly asks.

"Calum" you reply when you see Michael hold up a t-shirt, "You don't remember?"

"Ahh... now I do" Michael mumbles, eying the thing he is going to give to his best friend, "But I don't wanna give it to him anymore"

"What? Why?"

"It's too boring to just give a plain t-shirt" Michael explains, "I want to do something more or give something more exciting"

"Like what?" you ask, "You were the one to choose his present"

"I know... but I only picked it in a hurry cause I was tired" Michael says as he lets go of the t-shirt and gets up.

"Where are you going now... or what are you going to do now, Michael?" you sigh, completely sure your boyfriend is either going to do something stupid or... yeah something stupid. Not more than a minute later, Michael is back... with six big toilet paper rolls in his arms.

"Michael, what the hell are you thinking?" you try to hold back your laughter.

"Making this Christmas more interesting" Michael grins, "This year, the guys and a few more lucky people will get their present wrapped in toilet wrapped in normal wrapping paper"

"You're such a dork" you giggle, "But I actually think it's an amusing idea"

"Does that mean you'll bake me the cookies now?" Michael looks at you with big puppy eyes, "Please baby?"

"Wrap it while I bake it" you kiss his cheek before getting up.

Michael Clifford imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now