Run into pt 3

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Shit! Ashton can not! CAN NOT SEE ME!!! He was the very one to set me and Michael up! He was my best friend before they got famous. "Y/n is that you?!?" Shit! I turn around and "hey ashton how are you?" "Great! How are you?" "Doing good" "who are these cuties?" "Oh this is jake and Michele" "who's kids?" Damn... "Mine" "what you have kids since when?" He says in a high pitched voice. "Since a year and 3 months ago" "who's the daddy?" And then I see Michael walk down the isle towards us. "Hey ash what chips did you want I got Doritos and-" "y/n" "hey Michael" "how are you?" "Doing good" "that's good, who are these cute babies?" "This is Jake and Michele" "who's babies?" "Mine" "what?!?" "Why is it such a surprise I have kids?" "How old are they?" Michael asks. "15 months" "and you were pregnant 9 months?" "Yeah" "so that's 2 years" Michael Says. "Y/n Michael's the dad isn't he?" Ashton asks. Damn... "What's it matter?" "They're my babies" Michael says "maybe, maybe not.." "Y/n please let me be there for them, it would mean the world to me" "how's that going to work when Every time I hear your name or see you on tv or social media my heart breaks. The day you broke up with me because you couldn't handle the pressure with tour, I found out I was 3 weeks pregnant. I just wanted you to be there and support me. But you left me and I couldn't stop you, I didnt want you to go through hell seeing me everyday, just to be with your kids. I didn't want them to grow up, not knowing their dad, but I didn't want them asking why is dad with someone else, and I would have to say, because he loves someone else. That would kill me inside and out. I loved you with all my heart. And now I have to put that behind to take care of my kids. They are now the loves of my life. I love them so much and I don't want them growing up knowing there dad left, but I also don't want them to know you left me"
"I'm sorry I didn't mean to hurt you that bad" "it's fine, I have my own company to comfort me" "y/n please let me be there with you and our babies" "we will have to see about that...."

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