Basketball game

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When you were 12 you lived in America and loved basketball, you played it, went to many games. But then you moved to Australia! Where you met Michael Gordon Clifford . You moved next door when you were 15! You would pass notes during class to see who's house you were going to that day, you 2 had a tree house you shared and that's where you shared you 2s first kiss. Michael was a year older, but you didn't mind......

You two are now a very happy couple! You both are in L.A at the la house. And since you knew the lakers were playing you got great seats! Michael came along and you knew he was confused! It was soooo adorable! Him with his black hair and gorgeous eyes. 😍he's so freaking sexy. Hehe! The camera goes around and shows the celebrities in. The crowd! Chris brown is front row! Johnny depp is 2! Hehe! The game starts and it's so freakin amazing! I'm so glad I could spend it with Michael! I had to tell him everything that was going on but it was amazing! Hehe he's so freaking adorable!
The night was over and Michael said he has a great time and you had time too!

At the end you waited until everyone was gone and you wanted to show Michael how to play. It was adorable and hilarious seeing him fail at it. You really loved him...😍😍😍😍<3

(Sorry it sucks 😥 crap, anyways 2 more weeks until the concert! Well actually less than 2 weeks! Hehe I can't wait! Love you 😘😄Gnight babes)

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