Drunk besties

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Luke had wanted to host a party for so long now since he moved in in his new house. Now that he finally had time, the party had went great - you having the time of your life whilst having a sober Michael after you like a lost puppy. The party had now died down, the only persons in the house you and the boys. Luke and Calum had went to bed half an hour ago but Michael had been fighting against your will, wanting nothing else than just go to bed but you wouldn't have any of it in your drunken state. "Are you ready to sleep?" Michael sighed, as he saw you come out of the bathroom door, smiling widely. "Yeah." You cheered, making Michael "shh" on you. "What?" You whispered, letting out a giggle afterwards. "Ashton's sleeping on the couch." Mikey pointed towards a pretty much dead Ashton, filling the couch, a small among of drool falling down from his parted lips. "Ohh." You said in a hushed voice and Michael just nodded his head at you with his mouth in a straight mind. "As you were walking around in the basement of Luke's house where Ashton had crashed on the couch, the entire basement transformed into a music studio. Michael turned his back to you trying to find a t shirt for you to sleep in as a sight of a piano caught your eyes. Walking over to the piano you let your fingers slide over the piano's claves before stopping at the bass end pressing your fingers down so the deep sound from the piano came out. "For god sake Y/N what did I just told you." Michael whisper-yelled sprinting over to you before you could make any more noise. "Sorry." You mumbled and Michael just rolled his eyes at you. "Come on drunkie, where going to bed now." He sighed but you shook your head and as you did he didn't hesitate to bow in front of you before lifting you over his shoulder. "What a nice view." You commented and took a grab on Michael's ass making him gasp almost losing his grip on you. "Y/N stop touching my butt, private area." He hissed but he couldn't prevent the giggle that escaped his lips. "We're going to bed now there's no but." He said sternly but with a smile. "Fine." You mumbled crossing your arms as he walked out of the music studio before heading towards one of the other bedrooms for you to crash.

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