Favorite youtubers

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Your favorite YouTubers has to be Shane Dawson and Jenna Marbles. (If you don't know them, get off wattpad and go on YouTube and watch like 5 videos each!) they are freakin amazing! You watch them constantly! You got Michael hooked on watching them too! They both have an odd, yet amazing personality! They both are so creative with what they do! You wish you could meet them....

"Baby come on" Michael says pulling me, I'm blind folded. Ugh this boy and his surprises! "What is it?!?" "Just wait!" He pulls me down to the couch to sit. I sit and he says "take the blind fold off now!" "Michael if your naked I swear!" "I'm not" I pull the blindfold and there is Shane and Jenna on each side of me, wtf! This is amazing! "Ahhhh omg I love you guys!" I kinda scream! I hug them both and we all end up hanging out and talking for the rest of the day!

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